Arthur Ernest Nicholson

I need info on a paasenger named A.S. Nicholson. All I know are his ititals, and that he didn't survive. I think he embarked at southamton though. Oh and he was a first class. I need some info about him like full name, cabin number, purpose of travel, and any other piece of info that anyone can find. Any help will be greatley apreciated.
I have some information that may be of use.
Arthur Ernest Nicholson had been born in Batham, Surrey, and was 59 years old in April 1912. He was the son of Mary Nicholson, and was married to Kate Kilvington. In 1881 Arthur was living at 13, Hyde Park Terrace, Bilton Cum Harrogate, Yorkshire, where he was a wholesale tea merchant. He later moved to London, and then in 1905, settled with Kate in Shanklin on the Isle of Wight, living first at Osborne Villa, and later at Clairmont. In his business as a tea importer he made frequent trips to America, usually staying in New York. Arthur was 6’1” tall, with grey hair and blue-grey eyes.
Mr Nicholson boarded the Titanic at Southampton on April 10th. He was travelling to America, not on business, but to visit with his sister at 1, Greenwood Avenue, Brooklyn, and to take a Turkish Bath cure, in the hope that it would restore his health, which had been poor for some time, and in 1909 had necessitated the hiring of a private nurse. Arthur travelled first class on ticket 693, costing £26.
Arthur Ernest Nicholson died when the Titanic sank, but his body was recovered from the sea by the Mackay-Bennett, a cable ship sent out from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to search for victims of the sinking.
Hope this helps

Excellent info, I certainly ejoyed reading it. While we are both here, I seem to have misplaced your e-mail address, so forgive me for writing to you for so long. A great big thank you for those items you sent me some time back. Sorry I didn't get to thank you earlier.


Hi thanx for the info all those months ago. I just need one more piece of info. Can you connect Arthur Earnest Nicholson to a John Nicholson that was born in 1799, came to Canada with his wife from England, and died in 1901.