Thomson Beattie

Any informaton about relatives in Canada or elsewhere, information about parents, etc.

I believe that my great grandmother (Beattie) was related to Thomson Beattie.

Linda White
Thomson Beattie’s will, dated 18 December 1906, appointed the National Trust Company Limited as executor of his estate. This will and various Surrogate Court papers are contained within the Manitoba Probate Records, 1871-1930, Eastern, Estate files no 6699-6838, years 1912. Located amongst these (page 1538, attached here) is a statement of account, which makes a curious reference to “the Action by the Executors on behalf of Janet Beattie against Oceanic Steam Ship Company”. (Thomson’s mother Janet was one of the 15 beneficiaries of his will).

On 28 November 1913, $97.35 was paid to Black & Redden (English solicitors) for “fees re Titanic action. On 2 April 1916, $1729.26 was received from Hudson, Ormond & Company (Beattie’s solicitors) “in full settlement of Action.” The timing of this payment suggests that it could have been part of the $664,000 class-action settlement agreed to in December 1915. Does anyone have any information?
Beattie Action.jpg