News from 1909 Maiden voyage of Laurentic I

The Times, 27 April 1909

More than ordinary interest attaches to the advent in the North Atlantic
trade of the new White Star liner Laurentic, of which, on the invitation of
the directors, a visit of inspection is to be made at Liverpool to-day. The
sailing of this ship on her maiden voyage on Thursday next will mark the
entry of the White Star line into the Canadian transport trade, in
fulfillment of the announcement made early last year that in association
with the Dominion Line it was proposed. to establish a weekly service
between Liverpool, Quebec, and Montreal.

The Laurentic, which is a single-funnelled two-masted steamer of about
14,900 tons, will be the largest vessel running to Canadian ports, having
accommodation for 260 first, 430 second, and 1,000 third-class passengers.
It is in connexion with the design adopted for the propelling machinery,
which is a combination of reciprocating engines and low-pressure turbines,
that a notable departure from previous practice has been made. At present
there is only one ocean-going steamer which has adopted what is known as the
"combined" system, and the Laurentic is the first passenger steamer in which
plant of this type has been installed. If the combined system gives
satisfactory results in the Laurentic, it is practically certain that the
great White Star liners, Olympic and Titanic, of 45,000 tons each, now under
construction by Messrs. Harland and Wolff, will also be driven by propelling
machinery of the same type. More experience in service is however necessary
before a final decision can be arrived at in view of the much larger
horse-power which will be required to give these big liners the desired
speed of 21 knots.

A sister ship to the Laurentic is now under construction and should be
completed at an early date, and as she will be of the ordinary twin-screw
type, it will enable comparative data between her performance and that of
the Laurentic to be collected.

The Times, 28 April 1909

A large amount of interest attaches to the new White Star liner Laurentic on
account of the fact that she is the first large merchant steamer propelled
by a combination of turbine and reciprocating engines. The turbine is of the
low-pressure (Parsons) type, for "ahead" motion only, and works a
triple-bladed propeller centrally situated. Two sets of four-crank
triple-expansion balanced engines drive the quarter or wing propellers. By
the adoption of this system the greatest advantages of the modern
reciprocating engines are secured with the benefit of the fuller utilization
of the expansive power of steam in the low-pressure turbine. The
reciprocating engines develop over three-fourths of the total combined horse

Dimensions and particulars of the Laurentic's engines are not yet available,
but it has been stated officially that throughout all the trials perfect
satisfaction was obtained. The principal dimensions of the ship, which sails
on her maiden trip next Thursday, are:-length, 565ft.; beam, 67ft. 4in.;
tonnage, 14,900.

The Gazette, Montreal, 5 May 1909

White Star-Dominion line R. M. S. Laurentic, on her maiden voyage from
Liverpool for Quebec and Montreal, was reported by Marconigram 200 miles
east of Cape Race at 6.10 yesterday morning. She is due at Quebec tomorrow
afternoon, and Montreal on Friday at noon.

The Gazette, Montreal, 6 May 1909

Laurentic, White Star-Dominion line, which is on her maiden voyage from
Liverpool to Montreal, was reported 30 miles east of Cape Ray at 11.30 a.m.
yesterday. She is expected to reach Quebec this evening and Montreal
tomorrow night.

The Gazette, Montreal, 7 May 1909

Laurentic, the Largest Ship in the Canadian Trade, Expected in Port This

What may be termed the event of the local shipping season is due today, when
the White Star Dominion liner Laurentic, the largest vessel in the Canadian
trade is expected at Montreal.

The White Star liners, which have always been notable for their graceful
build, are familiar to New York and Liverpool, but they have never visited
Montreal, with the exception of the Germanic, which is now known as the
Dominion liner Ottawa.

The Laurentic's tonnage is about 15,000, and her length is 565 feet. What
speed she will attain will be known on her arrival. She was built by
Harland & Wolff and left the builders' hands on April 15, and after
adjusting compasses in Belfast Lough proceeded to Liverpool to take her
place in the Canadian service, sailing from Liverpool on Thursday, April 29.
In her machinery reciprocating engines have been combined with low pressure
turbines. The Laurentic is designed to carry a large quantity of cargo,
also a full complement of passengers---about 260 first class, 430 second
class and over 1,000 third class. The passenger accommodation has been
carefully arranged and is in every way up to the White Star standard. The
entrances and public rooms, also the staterooms, will be admired not only
for their height and roominess. In addition to the general comfort insured
by the luxurious appointments and spacious character of the rooms and
promenades, every other possible provision has been made, and many popular
devices adopted, to enhance the comfort and pleasure of the passengers.

The Gazette, Montreal, 8 May 1909

Arrival of Laurentic, Concordia's Safety, Lake Champlain's Accident, Were
Yesterday's Topics

The arrival of the White Star-Dominion Laurentic yesterday evening; the news
of the overdue Concordia's safety, and of the Lake Champlain's encounter
with an ice field off Caper Race, were stimulating themes in shipping
circles yesterday, though the rainy weather decimated the gathering that
welcomed, at the White-Star wharf, the largest steamer the Canadian trade.
It was confirmed 5.15 p.m. when the first sound of the Laurentic's horn as
heard. As she sailed up the dock, her majestic lines were impressive. Her
high bulwarks dwarfed the Canada, which lay at the west side of the wharf.
The Laurentic has all the picturesqueness which marks the vessels of the
White Star line.

["Stimulating" or not, this article's discussion of Concordia and Lake
Champlain has not been transcribed.]

The Gazette, Montreal, 8 May 1909

Maiden Voyage Upholds the Satisfactory Results Achieved on Trial Trip
Perfect steadiness Exhibited---Electrically Driven Fans Provide Continual
Delightful Atmosphere

The largest passenger vessel that ever steamed up the St. Lawrence, the new
R.M.S. Laurentic, of the White Star-Dominion line, tonnage 15,000, arrived
at Montreal at 5.20 yesterday afternoon on completion of her maiden voyage
from Liverpool, and was greeted by a large concourse of people as she moved
into her berth at the head of the company's wharf.

At 4 o'clock yesterday morning she arrived at Quebec, which port she left at
7.20 a.m. for the run up to Montreal. She got to Father Point at 4.15 on
Thursday afternoon. From various eastern points she had been reported, but
on Thursday, until an hour before she was seen off Father Point, no one knew
where she was. It afterwards appeared that her Marconi receiver got out of
order, but as the boat didn't know it, they waited until they had received a
reply. They might have waited endlessly but that it occurred to them there
was something wrong with the signalling apparatus, and about 4 in the
afternoon they called up again. It was a great relief to Mr. R. F. [sic]
Macfarlane, the passenger manager of the line, to at last get in actual
touch with the ship, for the land connections between Fame and Father
Points was also not working, and consequently no word was received as to the
position of the boat. Messages then sent elicited the fact that the vessel
was then nearing Father Point, having been delayed by fog and snow storms
all day.

At 4.20 on Thursday afternoon she loomed gradually larger and more distinct
in the approaching distance, and by 5.30 several newspaper men, sent to meet
this new giant of ocean traffic, had boarded the pilot tender Eureka, which
started out to meet the new arrival. During the morning and afternoon there
had been dirty weather, wet, snow-storms, cold winds, and foggy, but it
auspiciously cleared up later on and soon after the half hour the pilot
tender landed her little delegation on board the Laurentic, from whose stern
fluttered the Union Jack, while the White Star flag fluttered from her mast.
Mr. John McWilliams, for 21 consecutive years mayor of Father Point, came
out in the boat.

The first thing noticeable was the great rousing cheer from the incoming
vessel to the handful of men on the pilot boat, who heartily responded to
the best of their ability. Her officers were gathered on the bridge, and
crowds flocked the decks fore, aft and amidships. Crowds, too, of seagulls,
hundreds strong, hovered, hungry, about the stern. The boat, drawing,
despite her great tonnage, only 26 feet of water, showed signs of
ice-hitting around her water line, but was a picture of majestic dominion
over the waters, which she, the first of her size, had come to rule.

The Laurentic is of 14,892 tons, the largest boat which has ever come to
Canada. Many people will think with great interest all this means to Canada
and the Canadian trade; that the largest steamer in the Canadian trade is
now plying not only from England to Quebec, but right up to Montreal.

When the pilot and the newspaper men, received with such acclamation by over
1,000 passengers of this epoch-making vessel, had struggled up the companion
ladder, the Laurentic forged ahead on the way to Quebec, on the same 157
miles of water which Jacques Cartier came along on the Grande Hermine,
hundreds of years ago. But what a difference! The newspaper men who
officiated, merely had to wander over the vessel, and see her as she was in
steel and velvet, in resistless power and splendid comfort, the pioneer of
the really big boat from England to Montreal.

Every minute could have been put in in wandering over the luxuriously
appointed saloons and splendidly equipped other portions of passenger
accommodation. But to do so there is no necessity to stumble down stairways
on the Laurentic; it is only necessary to step in the elevator, and tell the
boy which floor. The Laurentic is a floating hotel of the Waldorf-Astoria

With the successful season experienced last year and the heavy bookings
already strongly in evidence this season, Montreal requires little nowadays
in the way of advertisement of its advantages in distance, and in
attractiveness over other ports, but the achievement of the Laurentic once
she is lying at her pier in Montreal, will be heralded in every part of the
shipping and commercial world not only as a realisation of a long desired
wish but as an overwhelming proof that the biggest ships can make Montreal
their headquarters. It is a triumph both for the White Star-Dominion Line,
and also for the Harbor Commissioners.


The Laurentic is commanded by Captain Bertram Hayes, late of the steamship
Majestic, Lieut. R.N.R. When the pilot got aboard at Father Point Mr. R. T.
[sic] Macfarlane, the passenger agent of the line at Montreal, who has been
identified with so many history-making events in connection with Canadian
shipping also boarded the vessel, and was met by Capt. Hayes, whose first
words were of hearty congratulations. When Mr. Macfarlane, later on was
asked his own opinion, he was brimming over with delight. "I am quite
happy," he said, "and I am very proud of her. I hope it is a proper climax
of thirty-five years of passenger steamship management." Mr. James Thom,
Montreal manager of the line, who came up from Quebec to Montreal, also
spoke in pleased terms of the new vessel.

Amongst the over one thousand passengers were many Montrealers. Mr. H.
Markland Molson was one of them. "A perfect ship," said Mr. Molson, "and
thoroughly equipped in every department. Unquestionably the most up-to-date
vessel I have ever been on. Everything for the comfort of the passenger has
been provided, the accommodation is unsurpassed, the cousine [sic] most
excellent, and as for comfort she is so steady one might imagine they were
in the Gulf all the time."

The steadiness is one of the things which will draw passengers to the
Laurentic --- for on this boat it is well nigh impossible to imagine the
vessel is not stationary. A spirit level would hardly deviate from a
straight line, and a game of billiards would not be likely to be at all
interfered with. A very important matter for the general travelling public.

Mr. C. B. Gordon, managing director of the Dominion Textile Company, also
stated that the Laurentic was the most comfortable boat he had ever crossed

From the engineering point of view the Laurentic's maiden voyage, fitted, as
she was, with a combination of reciprocating engines with low pressure
turbine, will be of extreme interest. In this new departure the White
Star-Dominion Line were determined to provide not only the most modern and
up-to-date tonnage in the Canadian trade, but to give the new service the
utmost benefit represented by the latest advancement in British marine
industry. Mr. J. Willett Bruce, R.N.R., Superintendent Engineer, of the
White Star-Dominion Line, came over on the boat on her maiden trip. Asked
what he could say as to the performance of the machinery, Mr. Bruce stated
that the results on the outward passage had quite upheld the trial tests of
the ship at home. The Laurentic, Mr. Bruce said, was built for an open sea
speed of 16 knots, and the experiment so far had fully come up to
expectations, allowing for the weather experienced, which on Wednesday and
Thursday necessitated a slowing down in consequence of the fog and
snowstorms. Mr. Bruce did not mention it, but there is little question but
that, apart from the conditions experienced, the Laurentic, or any other new
boat, would have considerably slackened speed after entering the Gulf, as,
with an entirely new ship, the deviations of the compass could not be
properly computed until two or three voyages had proved its working.

Mr. Willett Bruce stated that he was not prepared to express a direct
opinion in any way at present. He preferred to await the trial voyage, in
June, of the sister ship Megantic, which, unlike the Laurentic, is fitted
with quadruple reciprocating engines only, when the results of both systems
can be properly compared. Personally, he has advocated the combination of
reciprocating engines with low pressure turbine, the latter screw in center,
and the two others, as usual, as an important economy. During this trip,
the engines and boilers acted magnificently, he said, never stopping from
the time the ship left port, with the exception of the necessary slowing
down by reason of falling in with the fog. After the first voyage of the
sister ship, Megantic, the company will be in a position to fully judge of
the respective merits of the two systems, and the result will be shown, in
the machinery arrangements selected for the Olympic and Titanic, now being

The automatic steamship whistle, patented by Mr. Willett Bruce, automatic
with intermittent, time 60 seconds and blast five seconds, is in use on this
boat and was used pretty well all day on Thursday.

Mr. W. J. Pratten, representing the firm of Harland & Wolff, the entire
builders of the Laurentic, ship and machinery, expressed the opinion that
the voyage fully came up to their expectations, but he did not care to
express a definite opinion until the Megantic had made her run, when they
could make accurate comparisons. The Laurentic's machinery, he said, would
need to be somewhat more economical than the other ship to compensate for
the extra cost of construction.


Capt. P. D. Murray, the marine superintendent of the White Star-Dominion
line, also thought it quite necessary to await the Megantic's first trip
before expressing a definite opinion on the merits of the experiment tried.
The Laurentic, he stated, could carry a cargo of 6,000 tons without a
greater displacement than 27 1/2 feet.

All the steering gear of the Laurentic is duplicated, both sets of engines
being identical. The vessel has six large double-ended boilers (thirty-six
furnaces in all), and a complete system of carbolic oil gas refrigerators,
while the stoke-hole ventilation is mechanically accomplished by electric
motors driving large fans. If there be one thing conspicuous in the way of
innovations on this splendid vessel, tending towards general comfort, it is
the fact that nowhere on the vessel is there the slightest stuffiness or
sense of discomfort from close air. Electric fans keep everything and
everywhere in delightful coolness, a desideratum often much to be wished,
and vainly sought for on most ocean liners. In equal importance is the
wonderful steadiness of the boat, an advantage which will be broadly
appreciated by the great ocean-travelling community which has to confess to
the terrors of sea-sickness, perhaps annihilated by the new Laurentic. And
all her appointments are the best that could be had for money, in perfect
taste, and greatly in advance of anything yet seen in Canada.

Representing the company on board the boat are Captain Smith, who will
command the Megantic; Capt. Murray, the marine superintendent; Mr. J.
Willett Bruce, R.N.R., superintendent engineer, and Mr. L. C. Shepley,
victualling superintendent of the line.

The daily runs of the Laurentic have been, since her departure from
Liverpool on the 29th of April, 301, 392, 396, 393, 403, 409, 317 miles, and
98 miles, which brought her to Father Point, a total of 2,709 miles. Time,
7 days, 3 hours, and 50 minutes. The passengers carried were 56 first, 255
second, and 746 third class, total 1,057, out of a total accommodation for
1,690 people. She brought no mails on her outward trip, but will carry them
on the return voyage.

One little girl, who happened to be born on the voyage, was the daughter of
Bulgarian parents travelling third class, and in honor of the ship and the
eventful occurrence she was promptly christened "Laurentia," the services,
to this end, of Rev. W. Venables, another passenger, being requisitioned for
the youngest Canadian of the party. On the other hand, there was sorrow in
the family of a gentleman travelling in the second class, whose infant
daughter died during the voyage. At dinner on Thursday night the fine
orchestra, for the first time on the trip, played "The Maple Leaf," which
resulted in prolonged applause from the occupants of the tables.

In round figures, the cost of the Laurentic was nearly a million. She
carries on this trip, in addition to her passengers, some 2,500 tons of
general cargo, mostly for Montreal.

The run up from Father Point to Quebec finished at four o'clock yesterday
morning, Grosse Isle being passed shortly before 2 a.m., and that part of
the trip was accomplished in delightful conditions, with a full moon
streaming over the clear waters of the river, and close on eighteen miles an
hour was made, the time being ten hours. From Quebec on her advance to
Montreal, the Laurentic, a floating palace of splendidness, exquisite
appointments, and the most solid comfort, was in charge of Pilot Albene
Angers, of St. Anne de la Perade, who, by bringing her on to Montreal, has
brought about by her performance a great and immensely distinctive era in
the annals of shipping.

During the past three days, Capt. Hayes, R.N.R., popular with everyone,
especially with his crew, hardly left the bridge. The greatest care was
exercised, and although the weather was wet and foggy all afternoon the run
from Quebec was made in ten hours. At 10 a.m. the Allan liner Corsican,
outward bound, was passed close by, and the Laurentic ran up her "ice seen"
flags. Those on the Corsican indulged in hearty cheering and waving of hats
and handkerchiefs. At Quebec Mr. A. A. H. Franklyn, vice-president of the
line, came aboard, as did Mr. James Thom, and came up to Montreal on the
ship. Amongst those awaiting her arrival at Montreal was Mr. I. W. Cowie,
chief engineer to the Harbor Commission.

The bringing of this boat up to the port of Montreal is not a matter which
has been viewed with satisfaction in shipping circles in Quebec.

The manner in which every detail in every class on board the Laurentic has
been arranged, whether of the utmost cost or just as a matter of immaculate
cleanliness in the different work, is spoken of with admiration by the
passengers, many of whom were conducted over every part of the ship, from
the regally luxurious first-class rooms down to the isolated apartments of
the crew, and many experienced travellers who appreciated the differences
were loud in praise. Everything is of the very best, every up-to-date
provision for comfort or cleanliness has been adopted, and every luxury that
can appeal to ocean travellers is to be found on this latest marvel of
elegance and comfort. The Laurentic sails on her return voyage to
Liverpool, Saturday, 15th, and with the new R.M.S. Megantic, of similar
tonnage, and the other vessels of the White Star-Dominion line, will keep up
a regular weekly service between the two ports.

The following saloon passengers were carried: Mr. Charles E. Abbott, Mr. J.
R. Beazley, Mr. T. B. Bethell, Mrs. Bethell, Mr. H. H. O. Bridgeman, Mr. W.
J. Willett Bruce, Mr. Maurice Cohn, Mrs. Cohn, Mr. W. F. Crittall, Mr.
Robert J. Dale, Mr. E. Denning, Mrs. Denning, Adjutant Frank Dyer, Mr.
Trevor A. Evans, Mrs. R. Forbes, Mr. C. B. Gordon, Mrs. Gordon, Mr. Stanley
B. Jackson, Mr. H. H. Vaehell Koeller, Com. Fred. Chas. Law, R.N., Mrs.
Law, Mr. H. Laylock, Mr. A. F. Macallum, Mr. J. Malcolm McIntyre, Mr. John
McKorgow, Mrs. McKorgow, Mr. John Minto, Mrs. Minto, Mr. H. Markland Molson,
Capt. P. D. Murray, Mr. F. W. Podmore, Mr. W. J. Pratten, Mr. Thomas
Prentis, Mr. Godfrey W. Rhodes, Mrs. Rhodes, Miss Rhodes, Mr. F. Roberts,
Dr. J. Robertson, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. A. W. Robinson, Dr. H. R. Ross, Mr.
Frank W. Ross, Miss Belle Roy, Mr. L. C. Shepley, Capt. H. T. Skinner, Mrs.
Skinner, Capt. H. Smith, Mr. Richard Smith, Mr. A. W. Sonnenthal, Mr. James
Waites, Mr. G. D. Warrington, Mr. G. H. Wattsford, Mr. William H. Wayman,
Mr. L. M. Wilde, Mr. M. Wolff, Mrs. Wolff.

The Gazette, Montreal, 10 May 1909

Thousands of interested sight-seers, each provided with a pass of
admittance, without which the vessel would without doubt have been packed
even beyond her great capacity, yesterday visited the new White
Star-Dominion liner R.M.S. Laurentic in continuous streams which continued
until late in the afternoon, when "visitors ashore" became the order, and
the tired-out stewards were able to get a rest from their work in piloting
the crowds over the largest steamer in the Canadian trade. Mr. L. C.
Shepley, the victualling superintendent of the line, who had crossed on the
boat, and purser H. W. McElroy, were two very busy men yesterday
superintending the arrangements to allow the public to see the ship, and
courteously explaining the many wonders to be seen in the different
apartments on her five decks.

The Laurentic will be engaged on the Montreal-Liverpool route all the
season, and afterwards will take up the New York to Mediterranean run during
the winter. Three separate receptions will take place during the present
week on board the Laurentic, all of which will be notable occasions.

The Gazette, Montreal, 11 May 1909

The first of the official receptions on the White Star-Dominion R. M. S.
Laurentic takes place today, when a luncheon will be provided, to which the
following, amongst others, are the invited guests: Sir Wilfred Laurier,
[Prime Minister of Canada], ... [IMM representatives] P. A S. Franklin,
John Lee, F. Toppin, John Torrance, W. M. Macpherson [and] G. W. Torrance,
... [Montreal] Mayor [Louis] Payette, ... [railroad executive] Chas. M.
Hays, [and many others, whose names will not be included here].
Representative exporters in grain, flour, fruit and hay; prominent cattle
shippers, the leading lumber dealers, and men prominent in Canadian business
matters are also included in the list.

It is understood that Sir Wilfred Laurier will be unable to attend, but a
large number of the other invited guests have signified their intention of
being present.

Tomorrow there will be a ladies' reception, to which over 800 of the fair
sex have been invited, and will continue between 4 and 6 p.m., with a
special tea. On Thursday there will be a lunch to the passenger agents,
many of whom will be from the western divisions, to meet their confreres of
the east.

The Gazette, Montreal, 12 May 1909

Luncheon on Board the New Atlantic Liner Laurentic Was Largely Attended
Formed Theme of Speeches by Hon. Mr. Fisher, Hon. Mr. Brodeur and Major

The new White Star-Dominion liner Laurentic was dressed in holiday attire
yesterday afternoon, flags flying from stem to stern, on the occasion of the
reception given to several hundred of the leading business men of Montreal.
The visitors were received in the lounge by Mr. James Thom, Montreal
manager of the line, and Captain B. F. Hayes, R.N.R., commander of the
vessel. They were then conducted through the ship before sitting down to
luncheon, at which Mr. Thom occupied the chair, and during which the ship's
orchestra rendered a fine programme of music.

At its conclusion, Mr. Thom spoke of the rise and progress of steam
navigation and the improvements made in the river channel, beginning his
allusions from the time when the British American, of 170 tons, was built in
Montreal for John Torrance & Co., tracing developments to 1853, when the
wooden steamer Canadian, of 1,770 tons, took the place of the old sailing
vessels, and interestingly instancing the various changes which culminated
in the Laurentic, of 15,000 tons. He referred to the work which had
resulted in securing a 30-foot channel, to the great improvements in
passenger ships which had come about, and particularized the accommodation
in the present vessel, concluding by stating that the shipowners nowadays
were very much alive to providing the most up-to-date accommodation, and he
was proud to submit the Laurentic for approval.

Hon. Sydney Fisher, minister of agriculture, thanked the company for the new
vessel, whose arrival at Montreal, he considered a recognition of the
importance of the port, and showed great courage and enterprise on the part
of the owners. He referred to the large agricultural exports which
encouraged vessels to use the port, which, he stated, was cutting out the
United States ports, and it was, he considered, necessary to exercise care
that this superiority should not be taken from it.

Hon. L. P. Brodeur, minister of marine and fisheries, mentioned the
improvements which had taken place in the St. Lawrence route, and pointed
out ways in which the expense had been justified. He had, he said, carried
out the mandate of the fathers of the Confederation. Mr. Brodeur welcomed
the entry of the White Star-Dominion line into Canada, and also paid a
tribute to the late Mr. John Torrance.

Major G. W. Stephens, chairman of the Harbor Commissioners, alluded to the
improvements which had been made in the sheds and elevators, and pointed out
that considering Montreal had only a seven months' season, they handled more
freight than U.S. ports, and also were able to handle freight more cheaply
and swifter than European ports. They had spent much money, but the
expenditure had greatly lessened the cost of working the freight.

On behalf of the visitors, Mr. W. I Gear returned thanks for the courtesy
extended, and expressed his sense of the enterprise of the White Star line
in bringing such vessels to Montreal. Before the proceedings came to an
end, Mr. A. E. Giroux rendered "O Canada," which was received with great
appreciation and applause.

Today, some 800 lady visitors will be received on the vessel, and
entertained at tea.

The Gazette, Montreal, 13 May 1909

Montreal Ladies Visited New Steamer and Were Entertained on Board

Presenting the same beflagged gay appearance as she did on Tuesday, when
Cabinet Ministers attended a reception, and which she will again exhibit at
the third reception of the week, that of the transportation managers and
agents, the new steamer Laurentic, of the White Star-Dominion line,
yesterday entertained close upon 1,000 of the leading feminine fashion and
society of Montreal, to a view of the vessel, and, of course, light

Mrs. James Thom, wife of the Montreal manager of the line, accompanied by
Mrs. William Forbes, received the guests in the saloon during the two hours
the vessel was at their entire disposal, which included everything from the
opportunity to view the gorgeously fitted saloon and cabins to a personal
inspection of the splendidly fitted kitchens.

During the hours from 4 to 6 p.m. the wharf was crowded with equipages
bringing the visitors to the ship, and very soon after the crush in the
dining saloon became so great that recourse had to be had to the second
saloon to accommodate the biggest assemblage of Montreal ladies who had
ever gone aboard a vessel in the port.

There was no set time for partaking of the tea, coffee, seductive
sandwiches, dainty confections in cakes, or iced claret cup provided, the
visitors being able to wander round the splendid vessel at their own free
will and call in to the saloons for refreshments as they wished, and the
encomiums passed on the general appointments of the ship were sufficient to
fill a page with flattering expressions of approval and dainty appreciation
of the endless charming arrangements at hand for the luxurious comfort of
the passengers.

The Gazette, Montreal, 15 May 1909

R. M. S. Laurentic, of the White Star-Dominion line, Captain B. F. Hayes,
R.N.R., cleared yesterday, and sails at daybreak this morning, for Liverpool
on the return portion of her maiden voyage, the first half of which has
proved such an eventful matter in the history of Canadian shipping, and has
demonstrated the practicability of bringing a ship of 15,000 tons up to this
port without the semblance of a hitch. She is carrying the following
passengers:---[Long passenger list not transcribed.]

The Gazette, Montreal, 17 May 1909

The new R. M. S. Laurentic of the White Star-Dominion line, which left port
at daybreak on Saturday, passed Father Point at 5.45 a.m. yesterday. As she
did not depart from Quebec until 8.30 p.m. on Saturday this gives her as
doing the distance in nine hours, or at the rate of quite eighteen miles an
hour. Reports of the remainder of her voyage to Liverpool will be watched
for with considerable interest on both sides of the Atlantic.

MAB note: This concludes the reporting of the maiden voyage of Laurentic I.

The Gazette, Montreal, 24 May 1909

The new White Star-Dominion line steamer Laurentic, which sailed from
Montreal on the 15th inst. on the return half of her maiden voyage, arrived
at Liverpool yesterday at noon.
