Titanic Exhibition in Atlanta to be featured on Ghost Hunters

To all titanic moderators and message board members, particulary in the atlanta area, I have some interesting news to tell you all. Next Wednesday on a show called Ghost Hunters on the Scifi channel at 9 pm, the newest titanic exhibition called Titanic Aquatic, which is currently being displayed at the Georgia Aqarium, will be featured on the show Ghost Hunters. So if there are any members who might be fans of the paranormal, and has some belief of ghosts, and above all being titanic enthusiasts, heres a chance to see if the exhibit is haunted The people who investigated the exhibit are good at what they do, if anyone would like info on the people who investigated it, please let me know, and I will give you the website of the people who did the investigation. In the meanwhile,enjoy the investigation.
Jennifer, I can tell you this. My family lost, the parents first child, my older Sister Virginia in 1983, also a D.U.I victim, she was only 28. Approximately one year following our loss, I had fallen asleep, I was awakened by *finger nails* scrathing on the room's sliding glass door, I arose only to witnesse a ray/beam of light pass thru the door and move east to exit the homes metal front door. I did not feel at all unnerved. The next morning I shared the experience with my Mother, and myself having forgot what she then was to speak..."It's Giner's (short for Virginia) birthday today". From that moment on my healing process had begun.
For the record, the only other paranormal experience I had was upon rerturning home from hospital...for many days following on my exercise walks, I kept hearing..."Michael" and "Hey Mike", just to turn and see nobody there.

Michael Cundiff
michael, thank you for responding to the post, and for sharing your experiences of the paranormal. The people who investigated the aquarium is The Atlantic Paranormal Society, or better known as taps. They have a website. Here is the site. Its http://the-atlantic-paranormal-society.com they are very good at what they do. They also have a chatroom where you can tell your story about your experience of the paranormal, if you want to that is I have never experienced paranormal activities, and wouldnt know what to do if I did in the chatroom there are people there who are investigators, and some who arent, but fans of ghost hunters and taps, just like I am. The chatroom is open 24/7/365, and someone will always be there, if you want to talk about it well I hope we can talk again soon . Your friend, Jennifer
Hi Paul.

When I was in the UK several years ago I thought I experienced the paranormal first had. But that was after downing several pints at a local pub in Malmesbury.
Jennifer, thank you for your reply. As I am all taken up with numerous hobbies, you, if you are indeed a member of the paranormal site of your mention, are more than welcome to share my story. BTW, you are probably aware of my near death experience on Feb. 16, 2007, it was after a four month stay at hospital that I was hearing voices call my name, not to mention, things in my past were talked about by me & friends, and that same evening were talked about on cable television (eg. Law and Order). I could share much of it with you by p.m. if you are interested. [email protected] Yes, I am your friend as well...

Michael Cundiff
>>I've never experienced anything paranormal<<

The only paranormal experience I've ever had was seeing a ghost sandwiched between two closed doors on a hot summer day. When I got rehydrated, the "ghost" vanished never to return.

Make of that what you will. (shrug)
It's interesting, but I've noticed that when you go looking for ghosts, you never see them. Its only when you are distracted, relaxed or not looking for them that you see them. This makes me think there is a psychological element to ghost reports.
Yawn-a-thon. It was cool to see bits of the Titanic Exhibit, but the 'paranormal' temperature changes and touching stuff was a bit of a stretch.

The only interesting part to me was the recorded voice that maybe said something to the effect of "no please wait".
Honestly, I don't believe in the paranormal. Still, I've tuned in on occasion when these guys were going over some famous ships if only to see how those ships are getting on. They ran one on the USS Lexington recently, and a few months ago, they had a show on the battleship USS North Carolina. The hokum "investigation" was a yawner with imaginations runing wild, but the ships were nice eye candy.
Yawn-a-thon. It was cool to see bits of the Titanic Exhibit, but the 'paranormal' temperature changes and touching stuff was a bit of a stretch.
Darn, I had to work and so missed all the fun

I would of liked to see bits of the ship though!
Just another exploitation of the Titanic. These guys make me sick. I am truly offended by this and hope to express this to the Sci-fi channel asap. As many of you know my Great-Grandfather went down with the ship and My Great-Grandmother and Grandfather survived. This has pushed the limits of absurdity to overload.
What a load of crap!!! I believe in ghosts but that was sickening....and Mr Goldsmith u are correct it was another exploitation of Titanic!!!

I was looking forward to this episode because today is my birthday but I was sadly disappointed:^(