2nd class Smoke Room cubbies

Can anyone enlighten me as to these "confession booth" looking additions flanking the central seating booths in the 2nd class smoke room? On the deck plans, they appear to be doors leading into a tiny recess, but I can't find more information on it.

Hello Mattew,

Titanic, the ship magnificent states the following about it:

“On each side of the recess was a cupboard fitted with glass racks and enclosed by a glazed door at the top and an oak-panelled door at the bottom. Above each cupboard was a brass grille over a ventilation opening.”

Pictures from the Olympic also showcases that curtains would block visibility when you try to look into it from the smoking room.

From that information I got I estimate that it served to let air trough since it was also connected to the ventilation shafts. Altrough I am not certain about it.

I hope however that my information helped.

Yours sincerely,
