

Has anyone read this:

2018 Titanic Survey Expedition

The Titanic Survey Expedition will conduct an annual scientific and technological survey of the wreck with a mission to:

  • Create a detailed 3D model of the shipwreck and portions of the debris field using the latest multi-beam sonar, laser scanning and photogrammetric technology.
  • Supplement the work done on previous scientific expeditions to capture data and images for the continued scientific study of the site.
  • Document the condition of the wreck with high-definition photographs and video.
  • Document the flora and fauna inhabiting the wreck site for comparison with data collected on prior scientific expeditions to better assess changes in the habitat and maritime heritage site.

Wasn't this already back in 2010?

Has anyone read this:

2018 Titanic Survey Expedition

The Titanic Survey Expedition will conduct an annual scientific and technological survey of the wreck with a mission to:

  • Create a detailed 3D model of the shipwreck and portions of the debris field using the latest multi-beam sonar, laser scanning and photogrammetric technology.
  • Supplement the work done on previous scientific expeditions to capture data and images for the continued scientific study of the site.
  • Document the condition of the wreck with high-definition photographs and video.
  • Document the flora and fauna inhabiting the wreck site for comparison with data collected on prior scientific expeditions to better assess changes in the habitat and maritime heritage site.

Wasn't this already back in 2010?

Also, to make money by charging people who wish to go along for the ride. And to make a commercial TV documentary.
Also, to make money by charging people who wish to go along for the ride. And to make a commercial TV documentary.

Wow, but correct me if I am wrong. Haven't past expeditions already achieved everything listed above?

If there are going to be further expeditions, then it must to salvage pieces of the wreck for historical preservation.
Honestly, this seems a bit redundant to me. I feel like we’ve done enough research on the wreck to get an accurate picture of what happened to the ship.
I just hope they finally do some interior searches of the Stern, It's still got it's shape / hull cough cough mostly intact so their must be something interesting inside (to view, not touch).

Either way, At least we get new footage.
Those "escape hatches" on Scotland Road leading down to the forward boiler rooms looked awfully tempting during Cameron's last deep penetration with his " 'bots". I would LOVE a look around the interior of boiler room #6. A new generation of UUV (smaller, more maneuverable) just might make it in before the interior of the ship becomes un-navigable.

Have not heard that *any* penetration of the ship is planned for this expedition.
OceanGate and 2G Robotics to Laser Scan the Wreck of the Titanic

Honestly im scared for when they go back and scan the wreck, the amount of decay since 2011(last time the wreck was photographed) will be huge and its going to hurt with the possibility of all of A-Deck being completely gone with maybe the only area of A-deck that might be left is around the number 1 funnel and possibly the telemoter. My guess the area around the second class stairs on the Stern will be completely gone or collapsed while the area around the poop and reciprocating engines are probably still the same
I hear you. As much as I find the wreck interesting, and whats been discovered over the years, there is a part of me that wishes she was never found. Its like having a friend wither and die of some horrible disease, and there is nothing to stop it.
Hope the photos are released.

God knows I have hardly any photos of the wreck site. Most of my photos are from Camerons expeditions but nothing much for all the others.
Wish they could attach a spade to their submersible and dig around the starboard bow. Might see her original coat of paint under the sand. They could also dig around the starboard propeller and see if the third blade is there.

For me id still love to have a high resolution copy of the maping done of the wreck site. I know people have said they may be concerned about grave robbers but thing is we are talking 2 1/2 miles down. Not many submersibles can reach that distance and they all have to be chartered so cant exactly go to steal stuff like they do in the pacific where whole warships are being stolen and the remains dumped in common graves dug under water.