John Boyd-1st Class Saloon Steward

I am looking into my family and we know very little about my Great Grandfather John Boyd apart from what is already on ET. We are trying to find photos or any connections with other Saloon Stewards. We have already made 1 connection and really want to try and find out about more, ideally a photo if possible. If anyone has anything at all connected to John Boyd please do get in touch. Thanks
I am looking into my family and we know very little about my Great Grandfather John Boyd apart from what is already on ET. We are trying to find photos or any connections with other Saloon Stewards. We have already made 1 connection and really want to try and find out about more, ideally a photo if possible. If anyone has anything at all connected to John Boyd please do get in touch. Thanks

Hi Simon
My great grandpa Alfred Boyd was John Boyd’s older brother, and my grandma spoke of John’s tragic death on the Titanic when we were children. I don’t have any photos of Alfred or John, but I was wondering if you had found any over the last three years since you posted your message on this site.
Kind regards
Annie Ross
Hi Simon
My great grandpa Alfred Boyd was John Boyd’s older brother, and my grandma spoke of John’s tragic death on the Titanic when we were children. I don’t have any photos of Alfred or John, but I was wondering if you had found any over the last three years since you posted your message on this site.
Kind regards
Annie Ross
Hi Annie,

thanks so much for your email. I never thought I would hear anything. I don’t have photos but would love to piece th puzzle together of my fathers side of the family. Do you know if there is a way I can send my number to you as it would be great to have a chat if possible.
