Titanic: Why she collided, why she sank, why she should never have sailed

I've noticed that Mr. Molony seems to think that Englishmen seem to have a complete inability to display initiative like they're all junior officers under Darth Vader. I guess all those hundreds of times each year that British vessels are traveling along a coast to their right and turn into the beach and run aground according to the rules of the road prove he's right... Oh, wait...
Mr Molony continues: 'Titanic said she made only one manouevre. But she likely actually made two. And they were contradictory. Costing the whole ship and all aboard.'

Titanic said?
This is what happens when you stop putting your work forward for peer review and have the ability to access a publisher to push out whatever you like.

Even those (including myself) with a relatively broad and shallow knowledge of Titanic knew about the bunker fire years before the "new evidence" documentary. It must be the case of the first documentary in history to have been thoroughly debunked before it was released on the world.
Yes. I was really disappointed with that documentary. You think if your going to put out a theory like that you could at least find a picture with the "smudge" in the right spot. But maybe I'm just asking too much.
Conspiracy theories are seductive: they are built on the premise of secret knowledge. You're too smart and too clever to be fooled by Them, because unlike all these other fools you KNOW the Titanic was actually the Olympic; that Bush blew up the Twin Towers; that Earth is flat; that the Moon landings were all filmed on a studio... all you have to do is watch a few videos on YouTube and you've taken the red pill.
Conspiracy theories are seductive: they are built on the premise of secret knowledge. You're too smart and too clever to be fooled by Them, because unlike all these other fools you KNOW the Titanic was actually the Olympic; that Bush blew up the Twin Towers; that Earth is flat; that the Moon landings were all filmed on a studio... all you have to do is watch a few videos on YouTube and you've taken the red pill.
And they sell a lot of books. I've looked up authors before and some thats all they write about. Not just one conspiracy but damn near every conspiracy. Its their bread and butter.
Conspiracy theories are seductive: they are built on the premise of secret knowledge. You're too smart and too clever to be fooled by Them, because unlike all these other fools you KNOW the Titanic was actually the Olympic; that Bush blew up the Twin Towers; that Earth is flat; that the Moon landings were all filmed on a studio... all you have to do is watch a few videos on YouTube and you've taken the red pill.
A few years ago I put a video of a ship disappearing behind the horizon on YouTube. Little did I know about these conspiracy theories. I have stopped responding and removing comments
A few years ago I put a video of a ship disappearing behind the horizon on YouTube. Little did I know about these conspiracy theories. I have stopped responding and removing comments
This is unfortunately the best way to deal with it; the "infected" are beyond hope and you need to focus on those who can be saved (IE, those who are confused or just starting to think there might be something). How often do we see on this website, for example, that no matter how much evidence is presented for the switch or the coal fire being nonsense that there's always an answer, always a wiggle out, always a goal post shift...