Interesting how despite so many accounts of the band playing there doesn't seem to be much detail about the actual band other than "they played at the First Class Stairway Entrance". No description of instruments, the song accounts are all over the place (such as "The Star Spangled Banner" being played), the number on deck, etc. I know the situation certainly didn't call for someone to stop and observe to make note, but us in the modern day can so easily wonder why. A shame indeed.
That being said, is there any word at all about what the pianist, Theodore Ronald Brailey, did that night? I know there was a piano in the Reception Room and on the Boat Deck Level of the First Class Stairway along with three others around the ship. The SOS Titanic film tried to answer this with them bringing a piano on deck that had wheels, but as far as I know, none of the pianos had wheels or were intended to be moved onto deck - made even more complicated by the vestibule one would have to push it through.
So does anyone know what he could have been up to that evening, if at all? Feel free to correct me and prove me wrong on anything, of course. Thank you friends!