Hi Sally,
First I want to congratulate you on your talk with that dreadful back ground music you had to put up and no paper is truly spoken from the heart.
As today so many good documentary are ruined by unnecessary background music. Only if we had a switch to turn them off.
Now looking into your Grandfather circumstance he certainty got his handful with lifeboat No6.
How many in the boat I can see 23. Three men and twenty women. Two men Fred Fleet and
Major Peuchen a yachtsman.
For the women all chance they have never row before. I see this like asking a new learner to drive a car for the first time. For them to row in a synchronise format and an even pull must of be quite a challenge for Robert. Whether this was enough to try his patience to the limit before his outburst with loud a mouth Molly Brown, leading to a heated disagreement argument to return back for the survivors. I question if the outburst has truly caught him off guard?
As what should of said. I have been given an order from an officer to take command of this boat and the
captain order was to row for a ship light about 5 miles away. As if he was to row back that is
going against the captain order! To what discipline that he would have to face I don't know. But as his first time on the ship all good impression are of the most important for a future career within the company!
If the boat was launch at 1.10am and arrival time with
Carpathia at 8.0am. That's nearly seven hours in the freezing cold water air temperature -2c. Wearing not the most suitable cloths for cold weather for that length of time. It must of been their worst day of there lives and mentally scarred for life to. I wander if had suffered brain damage and had an effect on him for his future decisions?