Kate Murphy

I got some information about Catherine Murphy Guilfoyle from Liberty Public Library, NY in 2000.

"I did contact the local historical society, which found an obituary in the Liberty Register Oct 10 1968. Here is the summary of it: Catherine Guilfoyle born in Longford County, Ireland Oct. 6 1899 and died Sept 24 1968 in Brooklyn, NY. She was a resident of the Swan Lake area for 37 years. A widow of Michael J. Guilfoyle JR., a former Customs officer who died Oct 2 1962. She is buried in St Peters Cemetery , Liberty. The obituary briefly stated that she was a Titanic passenger."

The librarian also wrote: "While researching this I ran into a person who knew someone who was Catherine Murphy s great-niece- Marie Norris. Marie visited this area in July 2000 and telephoned me regarding this.. According to her Catherine Murphy was her Great Aunt."

I wrote to Marie Norris about this in 2000, but never got a reply.
Re: Catherine "Kate" Murphy
wow!!! this is a great sight. isthere any one that was aboard the Titanic that is alive today?If there is what is there age?
Re: Catherine "Kate" Murphy
i have nine questions for you ,"How did passengers in third class dress?"" how did passengers wear there hair?" "what food did third class eat on board" " what games did they play?" " and what other activities did they enjoy?" " did passengers in third class carry luggage?" if so how many? if not, what did they bring? and "how did passengers send messages to each other?"
Heidi, I'm afraid that if you want to interview Catherine Murphy directly, the only way you'll be able to do so is in whatever afterlife your religion believes in since she is no longer living.

If you don't care to go to that extreme any time soon...and I hope you don't...you might try parsing the Passenger Research and Life Aboard folders.