Charles William Warren

Charles William Warren was my wife's Great Grand Father. He lived at 71 St. Paul's Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire (not Dorset). Mrs Warren and children were featured in a photograph in the Daily Sketch holding a telegram and showing it to a postman. The postman was actually Mrs Warren's brother and the photograph was mocked up for the purpose of selling more copy. The photo is featured on page 132 in the book "The Titanic Disaster" by Dave Bryceson (ISBN 1 85260 579 0)
Charles Warren was my Great Grandfather. His daughter Ivy was my Grandmother. She was 2 when he died. Charles was emigrating to America to start a new life for the family. His plan was to get settled and then call for his family once he was.
The names of Charles' siblings is partially incorrect. The children of Henry John Warren and Emily Jane Warren were: Henry James 1874-1915; George Alfred 1876-1919; Sidney Samuel 1879-1948; Charles William 1881-1912 Titanic; Edward Benjamin 1883-1943; Emily Georgina 1885-1959; Alice Louisa 1887-1946; Richard Frederick 1890-1907; Amy Lucy 1892-1942; and John Alexander 1896-1914. Charles was on his way to Pittsburgh to join his brothers George and Sidney. I am the grand-daughter of Sidney.