Arthur Peckham Burroughs

Arthur Peckham Burroughs (1877-1912) was the father of Gwendoline Agnes Burroughs (1910-1985)=30 June 1930-George Bannister who was my Grandfather-James Albert Simmonds (1908-1947) first cousin on his mothers side.James Gundersen-McLaughlin.
Harriet was my Grandmother. She married my Grandfather (Albert) after Arthur Burroughs died on the Titanic. Albert (Joe) Edward (my Grandfather) did not die just after her. He died 25th October 1969, aged 79. He was 13 years younger than Grandmother. Gwen, Harry and Arthur were my uncles and aunt. Joe was a dock policeman in Southampton for 45 years. He was a lodger with my Grandmother before they married in early 1915. They raised together my Dad, Edna, Gwen, Arthur and Harry.
James, just found this site. Arthur was my Grandmother's first husband. I still have cousins that were Arthur's direct desendants. Not too sure your description of how you are related. I don't see a Simmons anywhere. Can you explain further??