Louis Kinsella

Louis was my great, great grandfather, we are all very sad that his death. RIP Louis xxx Steven, Hayley and Great, great, great grandchildren Holly, Brooke & Charlie
Louis Kinsella appears on the Ellis Island Records as a "Stowaway" on the BALTIC in 1909, along with a second person, whom if I remember correctly was a "Newspaper Vendor" or similar.LK gave his Father's Name and Address for his "Next of Kin", although already married etc.Being "Stowaways" they do not appear on the Ship's Manifest for Departures, submitted to the Board of Trade.
Louis also was deported from Boston in 1905 on the RMS Arabic, as a stowaway. He was also listed as "deserting" the SS Maplemore in 1899. Also in 1907 he was listed as "deserting" the RMS Majestic. He is shown on the crew list for the SS Pinemore in 1899 and the SS Rowamore in 1901. His wages were £4 for working as a "trimmer". In 1902 he was listed as crew on the "Hanoverian".
Louis Kinsella was married to my 2nd cousin 3x removed Rose Anne Clarke, the Clarke family originated from Co Meath in Ireland. Findmypast and Ancestry websites have lots of Titanic documents connected to Louis Kinsella.
I can confirm Julia was Louis daughter as I am connected through DNA to her Grandchild, so this contradicts the claim the children or at least one was somebody else’s.

His Mother Rose Ann was my 3x Great Grandfather’s (James) Sister.
There is an article that suggests that Louis's children weren't his with Barbara Barlow. Which upset me because it meant I wasn't related to Louis. But out of the blue a nice lady from the kinsella side of the family contacted my sister through DNA testing say that they were related. So Louis and Barbara had juliia. Julia had Joan. And Joan had me.