Edward Joseph McGarvey

Edward JosephMcGarvie was my great-great uncle; my mother's great uncle. My mum was born as Louise McGarvey, and this is on her side, and not on my side since I'm a Hartley! But, it is true; I only found that out less than a year ago.
Steven - how interesting. Do you have any more info on the birth or marriage details of Edward Joseph?  I heard recently that my father's (Robert McGarvey) uncle had died on the Titanic but unfortunately have no further details. Do you know the parentage - the first name Edward has transcended my father's side of the family. I heard there was a "barber" occupation but note he was a fireman/stoker on board Titanic.   Regards, Julie McGarvey
Edward McGarvey was my great uncle. He was a brother to my grandfather and uncle to my father. My father did not have a brother named Robert so maybe he was a cousin I'm not aware of. I found that Edward had two brothers named Michael (my grandfather) and William. Julie, could your grandfather be William?
Edward Joseph Mcgarvey was my great grandfather ,his daughter Margaret was my grandmother.Margaret married John Penlington and had 3 children not 2,her eldest child (also called John ) was my father,followed by June Rose and finally Lena.Lena died aged 22 in 1963 and John (my dad) was killed in 1968 aged 37 .June Rose (who liked to be known as Rose ) emigrated to Canada in 1969 with her husband John Ainsworth .Rose and John are now deceased ,they had 3 children ,2 still live in Canada but 1 now lives in Louisiana .It was only a few years ago we connected and are swapping family photos.
William McGarvey born 1880 died March 1900 aged 19 yrs in Liverpool.He is buried in Old Ford Burial ground where his father and grandfather are buried. His address was given as 22 Connell Street. Patrick died aged 2 so that only leaves children of Michael and Edward if July is connected to the family. I do not have a Robert in the family groupings I have.
Edward Joseph was my Great Grandad too. The above entry makes no mention of Frances, who was also his daughter. She had only just been concieved when Joseph went to sea on the Titanic, so he didn’t know he had a child on the way. She was born on 21st December 1912. She often told me she was the very last person to receive funds from the Titanic fund.
Frances was my Grandmother (nanna). Her eldest daughter, also Frances, is my mum. Sadly mum passes away in December last year, aged 86. I remember meeting ‘Aunty Maggie’ (Josephs daughter) a number of times, but I don’t remember meeting Henry, although that’s not to say I never met him, I just don’t remember. I do know mum used to speak of her Uncle Henry.
I know this is an old thread, i visited the titanic museum today and saw edward mcgarveys name.
His family from what i read are originally from ireland. My father was edward mcgarvey,my mother was ellen who would be in their 60s today so completely different people but i was wondering if anyone knew of the irish connection and where it stemmed from?
Many thanks in advance