Augustus George Stanbrook

I recently received a family tree sketched out by my great uncle. He noted that my great aunt's father's brother was a "cabin boy" and went down on the Titanic. He's noted as a sibling of Albert, William, Harry, Charles and possibly others. This seems to match somewhat with this listing for Augustus George. The spelling I have however is Standbrook. I'm wondering if this is a match or not ; it's certainly the only close match on surnames in the list you have. Any insights appreciated.
Stanbrook was known by his nickname of “Gus” by his crew mates. In 1968, Fireman John Podesta, then 80, wrote an account of the sinking in which he mentions his fellows William Nutbean and “Gus” Stanbrook. The story appears in the Southampton Echo, 27th May, 1968. Podesta and Nutbean were disturbed initially by the sound of the collision, like calico being torn. They went below and saw water flooding the forward boiler rooms and the current watch of firemen running out, perhaps after putting the fires in the boilers out. “Going back to our room, we began shaking one or two men up from their bunks (one in particular named Gus Stanbrook (Fireman)). I said, ‘Come on, Gus, get a lifebelt and go to your boat, she’s sinking.’ He began laughing and simply lay back again, thinking it was a joke.” Shortly afterwards, the orders came from Bo’sun Alfred Nichols to report to the boat deck, which Stanbrook apparently listened that time. Podesta and Nutbean survived, Stanbrook and Nichols did not.
I recently received a family tree sketched out by my great uncle. He noted that my great aunt's father's brother was a "cabin boy" and went down on the Titanic. He's noted as a sibling of Albert, William, Harry, Charles and possibly others. This seems to match somewhat with this listing for Augustus George. The spelling I have however is Standbrook. I'm wondering if this is a match or not ; it's certainly the only close match on surnames in the list you have. Any insights appreciated.
Hello, I would suggest that this is indeed your relative. If you register on (its free) these are his details. Or on Ancestry you will see the same. As I don't know your Great Aunts name I cannot fully confirm but the familysearch will. I am Gus Stanbrook's 2nd Cousin twice removed through his Great Grandfather (my 3x Great Grandfather) John White born in 1804 at Puddletown, Dorset. He moved with his wife Mary Ann Newberry to Jersey in 1839 and it was there that Gus's mother Elizabeth Jane Dixon was born in 1853 before moving to Southampton with her family about 1867. So we are very distant cousins.
Hello, I would suggest that this is indeed your relative. If you register on (its free) these are his details. Or on Ancestry you will see the same. As I don't know your Great Aunts name I cannot fully confirm but the familysearch will. I am Gus Stanbrook's 2nd Cousin twice removed through his Great Grandfather (my 3x Great Grandfather) John White born in 1804 at Puddletown, Dorset. He moved with his wife Mary Ann Newberry to Jersey in 1839 and it was there that Gus's mother Elizabeth Jane Dixon was born in 1853 before moving to Southampton with her family about 1867. So we are very distant cousins.

Thing is, the name in my great uncle's chart is "Bill", not "Gus". But it says "cabin boy, went down with Titanic".

Here's an extract of the relevant part of the tree, does it make sense ?

Thanks for your reply !

Hi Simon, Looking at your tree snipet I can see why you are doubtful that your Aunts research is correct. Looking deeper I am afraid that your great aunts belief that your Bill Standbrook was lost on the Titanic is, as you surmised, incorrect. As you say it is Gus Stanbrook. I tried tracking your Bill Stanbrook to see if I could find him after 1912 to confirm that he wasn't on the Titanic but cannot find him after the 1901 census. I have found a William Robert Stanbrook not Standbrook on '' but in 1896 (Edmonton London) not 1893/4 as I would expect from the 1901 census and as the parents your Great Aunt attributed to William, didn't get married until 1900 it is all a conundrum...but going back to the original issue, you are correct in as much as Bill Standbrook is not Gus Stanbrook on the Titanic. This link - takes you to Joan Standbrook(wife of Charles Hector White, Niece of Bill Standbrook) page on Ancestry (If you don't have an ancestry account please send me your email as there are a lot of your family photos on this tree which may interest you, I will crop them and email them to you) although it would more interesting for you to look at them yourself. I would recommend the Essex Record Office as an excellent repository to visit in Chelmsford or subscription to the Essex Archives Online - Parish Registers will help if you haven't already looked into them for your White ancestors. The subscription shows you the actual parish registers which have been scanned. Good luck on your ancestor hunting...its just like a Police hunt looking for the bodies and doing the plodding work, eliminating red herrings and fake data to track down those that went before us. Its addictive! Good Luck Sherlock, My brain is always available to pick, Best regards Watson (Amanda :))