Frederick Bernard Wrapson

I am the daughter of Lilian Ethel Wrapson, niece of Frederick, born on Apr 12 1945. I wonder how bittersweet it was for my family thinking of their loss.  I too lost a son as a young man. My maiden name was Kimber. I now live in British Columbia,Canada and expect to be visiting my husband's family in New Brunswick this summer and will have an opportunity to visit Halifax to see for myself the commemorations to the sinking of the Titanic. I hope I will be able to acknowledge our family's loss in person should I find a commeroration to those lost but not identified.
I visited Fairview Cemetery, Halifax with my sister in law last month, the Titanic graves are laid out to represent the way the Titanic lays on the ocean floor. I found it very moving to be there and a tour guide asked us to join his group for his commentary which was very interesting. I had an opportunity to ask him if he knew of any memorial to commemorate those lost or buried at sea, he told me there wasn't one although he asked for my relative's name. He suggested I go to the Museum of the Atlantic and talk to someone dealing with the Titanic exhibition but as parking was difficult there we chose to go on to the other places we wanted to see in Nova Scotia. I've seen the exhibition when it was on loan to the Royal British Columbia Museum so I felt I could contact them when I got home. Today I looked up the website of the Museum and found Frederick to be on their list as H.Wrapson !!! My disappointment has grown as with over 1000 people lost I feel a memorial would be appropriate for the thousand's of visitors to the cemetery and have sent an e-mail to a Dept in Nova Scotia that deals with visitors inquiries. This is an event in history that has evoked lots of interest all around the world,  I wait to see their response
Further to your inquiry, I have visited the Titanic graves and discovered there is not a memorial to those lost or buried at sea. Perhaps you can let me know your relationship to Frederick, he was my great uncle