Patrick Dooly

Where can I find more info about Patrick Dooley as my grandfather is jack Dooley and his father and brother was a patrick doolely they r from chaliville in county limerick.
Patrick Dooley was my great grandfathers brother. My GGF was John Dooley who immigrated to Newfoundland, Canada. Had five children (including my grandmother) and died in NL. Would be very interested in connecting if this is a relative.
My father was John Dooley he had 9 children he had 5 sisters 2 brothers their names were Kathleen Noreen Bridget Mary Josephine x jimmy and Richard all from Charleville co cork his father was also jack dooley xx heard stories of his cousin Patrick that died on titanic xx not very many dooleys in the world xx only very few❤️ so we’re definitely related xx
There is an interesting excerpt about Patrick Dooley in the Endnotes section of On A Sea Of Glass. Before he boarded the ship in Queenstown on 11th April 1912, Dooley apparently posted the first of a set of 4 postcards containing lyrics to The Irish Emigrant. It also says that this action by Dooley was shown in the 1979 TV film SOS Titanic; although I have seen that film, I don't recall that scene. I'll dig it out and see it again when I return to the UK.

The reference to the above is mentioned as Susan Wels' book Titanic: Legacy of the world's Greatest Ocean Liner. I own that title and will look it up.

PS: Yep, there is even a picture of that specific postcard on p91 of Wels' book.
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