Letter written by Miss Bridget Delia Henery to Mrs. M. S. Curley, her aunt in USA

How tragic . I am a relation of hers and just found out from my cousin Marie Daly in dublin and I live in Australia. Her father died in a ditch and she had no one so went to her Sister Liz and aunty in Boston. All Irish from Galway went to Boston . It’s so tragic and all the trust she put In God . She Would have died in tormented terror but I hope she knew she WOUKD be with God when she died. I will have a mass said for her
I note that a Michael Hynes has posted the letter that Delia Henry wrote to her aunt Mary in the US before she boarded the Titanic. I have seen the text of this letter before, from a woman who is a distant relative on the Curley side in Australia. (Delia's mother was a Curley). The note attached to the copy that this woman had said that the original letter was in the possession of Mr & Mrs Sean and Bridget Henry, of Togher, Clonown, Ireland. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?
I'm not sure that Delia had no-one after her father died; she was one of 8 children and as far as I can tell her mother lived for many years after her husband and Delia's father died, in 1901. So far as I can tell, most if not all of her siblings were still alive when she went to the US. I would assume it was just a matter of seeking a better life for herself, as her aunt had done, and her elder sister. I am led to believe that Lizzie eventually returned to Ireland and married there?