William Moss

In relation to the above information on William Moss:
It was very interesting reading about my grandfather however there are 2 items that need corrected.
First, William's elder daughter Elizabeth outlived her husband George, who died in 1979. She moved from Glasgow to Wales where she lived for some time close to her son Graham.
Second, William's posthumously born daughter, Wilhelmina Frances Moss, my mother, was born in August 1912. She married Gilbert McDougall in Glasgow where they brought up their family of Kenneth, Alan (me) and Susanne. My father died in 1976 and mother stayed on in Glasgow for a number of years before moving to Stirling to be close to Susanne. She died, as stated, in Dec 2004, aged 92.
I naturally have had a great interest in the Titanic and my wife, Ann, and I were present in Belfast for the Centenary Service and unveiling of the new memorial plaque, listing the names of ALL those who died in the tragedy, situated in the Titanic Memorial Garden beside Belfast City Hall.
Descendants present were given a white rose to place beside the name of their ancestor----a very moving occasion.
Coincidentally my date of birth is 14th April, the same date as that of the night when Titanic struck the iceberg.
Alan Barclay McDougall, grandson of William Moss, 1st Steward
Good to hear from you Mr McDougall, grandson of First Dining Saloon Steward William Moss (RIP).

Saloon Stewards Frederick Dent Ray and William Ward stated that not long after the collision, William Moss came to their quarters, woke some of the sleepers and advised them strongly to put on warm clothes and go up on to the boat deck, where they might have to remain for some time. That was around 12:10 am; Ward was allowed to board Lifeboat #9 (launched at about 01:28 am) and Ray on Lifeboat #13 (launched at about 01:40 am) and so they very likely helped with the loading before then. That was probably what Moss meant when he told them that they might be on the boat deck for some time - that they would be expected to help with the lifeboats.

Moss himself very likely did the same thing - helping with mustering people and loading - till it was too late for him to find a place for himself in a lifeboat.
Good to hear from you Mr McDougall, grandson of First Dining Saloon Steward William Moss (RIP).

Saloon Stewards Frederick Dent Ray and William Ward stated that not long after the collision, William Moss came to their quarters, woke some of the sleepers and advised them strongly to put on warm clothes and go up on to the boat deck, where they might have to remain for some time. That was around 12:10 am; Ward was allowed to board Lifeboat #9 (launched at about 01:28 am) and Ray on Lifeboat #13 (launched at about 01:40 am) and so they very likely helped with the loading before then. That was probably what Moss meant when he told them that they might be on the boat deck for some time - that they would be expected to help with the lifeboats.

Moss himself very likely did the same thing - helping with mustering people and loading - till it was too late for him to find a place for himself in a lifeboat.
A belated thanks for your post , " Arun Vajpey :454299 ,member :146608 " regarding my grandfather First Dining Saloon Steward William Moss.
Unfortunately I have only come across your response today .I have found it most interesting and moving to read such a personal account involving my grandfather. Alan McDougall, grandson