4th funnel fall?

Hello, watching the on a sea of glass and honor and glory animation to compare them, I reccall honor and glory depicted the break up with the funnel still in place while on a sea of glass, I wonder where that difference of depiction come from. Wouldn't it be logical for the 4th funnel to fall because of the break up?

Thanks for your answers!
Wouldn't it be logical for the 4th funnel to fall because of the break up?

I doubt it. If you think about it, these funnels were designed to withstand storms and rough sea conditions. A little inertia from the stern falling back isn’t enough to knock it over in my opinion.

Here’s what Dillon had to say about the fourth funnel:

Before the ship actually went down did you see her make any movements?
Yes, she took one final plunge and righted herself again.

She gave a plunge and righted herself again?

Did you notice anything about the funnel?
Not then.

Did you afterwards notice something about the funnel?

When she went down.

Was that after you had left the ship?
Before I left the ship.

What did you notice?
Well, the funnel seemed to cant up towards me.

It seemed to fall aft?
Yes; it seemed to fall up this way.

Was that the aftermost funnel?

Did you get the idea that the ship was breaking in two?

Did the funnel seem to fall towards you?

That is the after funnel?
Yes, my Lord.

Dillon says the fourth funnel did not move when the stern settled. Only until it “went down” did the funnel fall up towards him, and we see this perfectly animated in the recent THG animations.
The on a a sea of glass animation depict it falling on the stern, I saw people mentionning thayer testimony on that. A big problem with this kind of thing is it was verry dark after the break up so one can't be a 100% sure (one can think a funnel fell one way when it didn't per example).
The on a a sea of glass animation depict it falling on the stern, I saw people mentionning thayer testimony on that. A big problem with this kind of thing is it was verry dark after the break up so one can't be a 100% sure (one can think a funnel fell one way when it didn't per example).

I think it’s easy to know the third funnel fell forward as the tower debris slid off the superstructure. But looking where the break took place and where the guy wires were attached, there’s not much of a reason for it to topple over:

The impact force depending of the angle maybe? I'm going through "on a sea of glass" appendix now so I'll see what they say about their break up (I was able to read a bunch of it in more or less 1 week, I didn't had much trouble reading it even if I'm not english speaker).
The impact force depending of the angle maybe? I'm going through "on a sea of glass" appendix now so I'll see what they say about their break up (I was able to read a bunch of it in more or less 1 week, I didn't had much trouble reading it even if I'm not english speaker).

Are you referring to the stern’s impact on the surface?
The impact, depending of the angle of the ship breaking chosen (and the break up theory), things may differ.

Based on the fact the stern did not create a large wave when it came back, I bet it was a rather gentle settling.

“When asked if, when the forward end of the boat had broken off, the after end had ‘come back suddenly or slowly on to a level keel’, Thomas Ranger responded: ‘She came back slowly.’”
Actually reading the appendix onthe break, "on a sea of glass" has the ship with a 30° angle before it broke and it's interesting to see how different whitnesses testimony can be. The 2 first forward funnels fell only because of the water it seems reading wilding conclusion on the foward funnels. Their break up theory is more "messy" with multiple parts of the ship breaking rather than a clean break up.
Actually reading the appendix onthe break, "on a sea of glass" has the ship with a 30° angle before it broke and it's interesting to see how different whitnesses testimony can be. The 2 first forward funnels fell only because of the water it seems reading wilding conclusion on the foward funnels. Their break up theory is more "messy" with multiple parts of the ship breaking rather than a clean break up.

There is some evidence to support the ship breaking into three main pieces on the surface. I’d have to search for exact quotes later, but there was talk of a ‘middle piece falling in’ and talk of machinery sliding into the bow (which could have been tower debris falling forward and off the stern section).