During the last confused minutes before the ship
foundered there were reports of a shooting near
one of the collapsable boats involving 1 or 2
passengers and an officer. Walter Lord reports
two seperate letters written shortly after the
sinkings by survivors which indicate one of the
officers shot a passenger and then himself.
James Cameron included this in his movie with
first officer Murdoch being involved officer.
Others think it could have been Wilde. Does anyone know if any other information has come to
light about this? thanks, pjb
Dear Paul,
Check out Bill Wormstedt's and George Behe's excellent websites for an in depth look at this very topic. The addresses for these pages can be found in the Encyclopedia Titanica links section.
Best regards,
Tad Fitch
Sensible? Of course not! But when in the heat of the moment, a group of men shoves forward towards one of the last remaining lifeboats, it is POSSIBLE that an Officer would shoot a passenger. From there, the steps to his (alleged) suicide are easy to follow. Perhaps he had no intention of actually shooting someone, only to hold them at bay. Now, My GOD! A man lies dying on the deck by my hand! All because the ship is sinking and people are starting to panic. The Ship! It's sinking! What can I do. I've killed a man and there is no hope for me surviving in the freezing cold water. I dont want to be cold. I'll end it now, quickly.


Not sensible, but not improbable either.