
Hi all, I haven't seen a thread for coal trimmer Everett Edward Elliott so I thought I would start one. Please comment with any info you have and don't hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected].

Everett Edward Elliott was my grandfather's uncle and he died at some point in the titanic disaster. That makes him my great-great grandparents' son. Everett's parents were John Arthur Elliott and Emma Jane Elliott of London. Father John Arthur Elliott was a poet and as such he wrote the lovely poem attached below after his son died that ill-fated night. The poem was published in the London Daily Telegraph. The quote on Everett Edward Elliott's headstone in Halifax has a piece of this poem on it. Below is a photo of Everett's parents. My hope is that somewhere out there someone may have an image of Everett Edward Elliott or any other information to share since I have never been able to find a photo of him. I have a fairly extensive genealogy for his family as well if anyone is interested

Everett's father, poet John Arthur Elliott wrote a number of military songs as a member of the Coldstream Guards . I have military documents for both Everett and his father if anyone is interested. as well as other songs and poetry written by his father. John Arthur Elliott wrote the song Balaclava as well. He often went by J. A. Elliott or J. Arthur Elliott.

Photograph of parents of Everett Edward Elliott: John Arthur Elliott & Emma Jane Elliott
RE_John Arthur and Emma Jane Elliott.jpg


One addition thing I can add about your grandfather's uncle is that he was of the 00:00-04:00/12:00-16:00 watch. Meaning at the time of the collision he likely was preparing himself to go on watch. Of his his 24 watchmates 10 survived.

I also have a higher quality picture of the document of his body description:

I hope this helps

Kind regards,


One addition thing I can add about your grandfather's uncle is that he was of the 00:00-04:00/12:00-16:00 watch. Meaning at the time of the collision he likely was preparing himself to go on watch. Of his his 24 watchmates 10 survived.

I also have a higher quality picture of the document of his body description:

I hope this helps

Kind regards,

Thank you for looking into this, Thomas. However the link you sent was for a Thomas James Everett. I am looking into Everett Edward Elliott. I wonder if you have the same documents for him? Thanks for commenting, I would love to know if we can learn what time he was on duty as a coal trimmer. I believe he worked the 4hrs on, 8 hrs off shift but don't know where to find that info.
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