Interesting article on Lillian

I found this on Lillian and think it is really interesting. Would have liked to have learned more but this was interesting just the same.
That was a good article. Written by David Brown. A valued contributor to this site since the early days. At least I'm assuming it's him. He mention joining the site to ask about the paint in the article. He wrote a lot of interesting posts on this board.
That was a good article. Written by David Brown. A valued contributor to this site since the early days. At least I'm assuming it's him. He mention joining the site to ask about the paint in the article. He wrote a lot of interesting posts on this board.
The David Brown who used to post here died in 2021.
The David Brown who used to post here died in 2021.
Yes you are correct. That article was from 2006. But I'm glad you pointed that out. I wasn't positive it was the same David Brown. I now doubt it because that article said he was a reporter for the paper. I'm don't recall Capt Dave as some here use to call him was ever a reporter for the Post. But either way I was glad the reporter respected her wishes and didn't badger the poor old lady. 99% of the so called reporters today probably would have asked her if she met Jack and Rose.
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