7 Maritime Disasters More Tragic Than The Titanic

Jason D. Tiller

Staff member
The ocean has long been a place of great danger and mystery throughout the existence of mankind. Even in contemporary times, traveling through deep water and rough seas continues to be an arduous and challenging venture.

The tragic sinking of the Titanic in 1912 is undoubtedly the most famous maritime disaster to date. However, there are plenty of other instances that either rival or even dwarf the Titanic in terms of destruction or human loss.

Note: A few lesser known ship disasters are mentioned in this one, including the Dona Paz.
It was a good article but I guess the word tragic is subjective. A few of them mentioned weren't more tragic IMO than Titanic. As Del brought up, could have added more to that list than some that were mentioned. Again its subjective. Was glad to see the Roman's mentioned. The Romans never really got the navy part down as they had some big loses at sea. But their economy allowed them to build huge fleets and they were successful by brute force thru numbers.