Any experts on the Marconi Marine here?


I am fascinated by Morse code, so much so that, for a couple projects I am working on, I am trying to replicate messages sent between the Titanic and other ships.

Here are two samples:

“-- .-- .-.. - --- -- --. -.---: … .- -.--- --- .-.. -.. --- .- -. , .-- . .- .-. . … - --- .--. .--. . -.. .- -. -.. … ..- .-. .-. --- -. -.. . -.. -…
-.-- .. -.-. .”

( “MWL To MGY: Say old man, we are stopped and surrounded by ice.”)

“-- --. -.-- - --- --.--.-..: … …. ..- - ..- .--.., … …. ..- - ..- .--.., .. .- --. .. .- .-- --- .-. -.- .. -. --. -.-. .-.--. . .-. .- -.-. . -.-- --- ..- .- .-. .; .--- .- -- -- .. -.--. --.”

(“MGY to MWL: Shut up, shut up, I am busy. I am working Cape Race; you are jamming me.”)

Also, here is the link to one of the "code books" (so to speak) that I am using: International Morse Code - Count Dohna and His SeaGull.

Anybody here an expert on the Marconi marine and the way they would phrase and send their messages? If so, how accurate is my replication of the way their operators would send out messages?

Thanks! :)