Aaron Willer

Aaron Willer is my greatgrandfather he was from Russia and a taylor he lived in London for a time and than moved to America they came to Phildalphia than moved to Chicago. I'm looking for information about him Also does anyone know how to obtain a death certificate for people who died on the Titanic. Also I will be traveling to London What should I see relating to the Titanic

[Moderator's note: This post was originally posted in a separate thread, but has been moved to this subtopic which is addressing the same class of passengers. JDT]
Hallo, Charlene, and welcome to ET. See the thread below for information about death certificates, but note that these could be issued only if the victim's body had been recovered, identified and examined by a physician. Sadly that wasn't the case for Mr Willer.


The Maritime Museum at Greenwich in London has collections of documents and artifacts relating to the Titanic. You might also want to consider a trip down to Southampton, which isn't very far away.
where do you find the death certificates for the passengers who died on the Titanic. I/m interested in finding a copy of my great grandfathers death certificate Aaron Willer.
Thanks for the information. But I thought there was a place to obtain death certificates for people lost a sea. Enough on that subject.
What about the ships records what type of information was gathered at that time. My problem is I have way to many questions and not enough answers. and I get frustrated because I don't know where to find the answers. Aaron was Aaorn when they lived in London they moved to America my grandfather was born and his name was Harry on my grandfathers birth certificate. He was on the titanic and his name was Abe. He had a passport originating in Russia I heard from someone where did they find this information if anyone can help me get answers to my questions I would be closer to getting some of my questions answered thanks
Charlene, with one exception (passenger William Hoyt) all the victims of Titanic were recorded as "supposed drowned". This was an old sea convention after a shipwreck after which bodies were not found. I think I have the documentation on your relation and I'll have a look in what I jokingly call my files.
Thanks Dave for the information. Now my next question for all. When I'm in London where would I be able to get the most information about Abe Willer. What type of information was collected by the White Star line. Does anyone know?
The White Star line collected basic information for its own records and to pass on to the Board of Trade and the US Immigration Authorities - name, age, occupation, place of birth, destination, etc, and all of that can be found here on Mr Willer's biography page, along with his ticket number and the price he paid for it. On that page, see also the link to 'General information on Mr Willer'.

The only information sources in UK Government records will be the Census returns (of which the latest available is 1901) and, if appropriate, the registries of births, deaths and marriages, all of which can be viewed (and copies of certificates ordered) online, so you don't need to visit any archives.