Adolphe Saalfeld

This is an article about the collector Denis Cochrane.

In this article, it mentions some of the things he's come across in his travels. It also mentions that he was the historical adviser to the expedition last year that found the perfume vials that belonged to Adolphe Saalfeld.

The article also states that Mr. Saalfeld died in the wreck, and Cochrane talks about how it is a great opportunity to give Saalfeld his life back.

But he got off in Boat 3, or so I've been led to believe, by historical evidence...

So, what did become of Adolphe Saalfeld after the disaster?
I wish I could help, but the passanger information on this site indicates only that the man was a 1st class passanger who was in cabin C-106 and that he escaped in boat#3.

It's possible that some of the passanger researchers here may have more, but it's just as possible that the man simply faded away into obscurity.

Michael H. Standart
Kitrina and Michael,

Adolphe Saalfield is one of about 40 passengers who seem to have vanished after 1912.

He appears to have been the only Manchester resident on board, and he survived the sinking on boat #3. Aged 47 at the time of the sinking, Saalfield was a German-born perfumiere.

I have seen a photo of him, and he appears to have been quite a dapper bloke with a grey imperial beard and moustache.

Other researchers may have made some progress on him.

Kritina and Ben,

Mr. Saalfeld died in England in 1926. Credit needs to be given to both Denis Cochrane, RMS Titanic and Bob Bracken for tracking and confirming this information.

Cochrane and RMS Titanic initially found him following their search following the retrieval of Mr. Saalfeld's bag. Denis actually wrote an article on Saalfeld's life and this has been distributed throughout the U.K. and here in the States.

Hope this helps.

Good work guys....

Mike Findlay
Dear List,

Asolphe Saalfeld passed away at Kew Gardens
in Surrey on 5 June 1926. His was still chair-
man of the Sparks, White, and Co. Ltd, chemists
and distillers at the time of his death. He
and his wife Gertrude were childless.
His estate was settled on July 16, 1926
and his assets were reported to be 46,902
pounds sterling, with almost 36,000 being
assessed as personal property.
Despite confusing statements made by a niece
to me personally in the mid 1990's, unraveling
his story has been a challenge, indeed.

Hope this helps,

Brian Meister
Mike and Brian,

Thank you both very much for the info re. Saalfeld. Now, how long have I been spelling the poor gentleman's name incorrectly!

Thank you all!

I'm sorry if I get interested in something/someone "obscure", but it was just the mention in that article about Saalfeld not surviving the wreck...well, it irritated me!
Dear Kritina,

I understand how you feel about this issue.
I have worked very hard over the last 26 years
of my research to be as accurate as possible
concerning these people's lives. The details
ARE inportant. Sometimes someone will latch on
to a piece of the Titanic story without doing
the background to support the facts. Other times
the Press has been known to take statements from
someone being interviewed, and when the story
is written, the words that come out on paper
is not even close to what was said. I have ex-
perienced the latter a couple of times.
Don't apologize about being accurate. You
will have plenty of time to catch errors in
upcoming works and articles. The truth is a
much better story than fiction.


Hello Everyone,

I am currently trying to search Adolphe Saalfeld's living relatives. From my understanding they are living in Canada. Is there anyone that would be able to help me? If anyone could provide me with contact or names it would be greatly appreciated.


[Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted to a thread about a different passenger, has been moved to this pre-existing thread about Mr. Saalfeld. A second, identical message posted to another passenger thread has been deleted. MAB]
The best person to contact would be David Pybus: he is (or was, in 2003) synthesising modern copies of Saalfeld's perfume samples. He was also hoping to produce a history of Saalfeld and was co-operating with his living relatives.

Sadly, I don't have Pybus' email address anymore (went in a computer crash many years ago). I believe Ken Marschall was in touch with Pybus too - perhaps if Ken reads this, he can help?

I found Pybus' email after he gave a talk at the Science Museum in the summer of 2003, whilst a Titanic artefact exhibition was taking place. I contacted the Museum and asked if they had a contact address. Within a day or so, they had provided his email. Perhaps this approach may work for you?

Good luck!
Having done a bit of digging, I think David works for these people:

Some websites say that he works for ALQemy, but this is a software company, not perfumes, so I don't think this is right.

[Moderator's Note: This message and the one immediately above it, originally posted to a thread discussing a different passenger, have been moved to this thread, where the message to which they respond now resides. MAB]
Hello, Mr. Kahl--

Please note that the message you're responding to is almost eight years old and Ben Holme has not visited this board since last December, as shown by clicking on his name. Therefore, it may be a while before you receive a response, if ever.