African Crew Members Aboard Titanic

Aly Jones

I was searching on the net,and i happend to find out that there were small population of Black African's living in England southampton.I was wondering were there any Black African's crew member's working aboard the Titanic as Firemen/Stroker's or Trimmer's?
That's quite possible, but in many cases we have no photographs and no information about individual crew members other than the basic details appearing on signing-on sheets, census forms etc and that doesn't include ethnic origins, just the place of birth. And there were plenty of black people born in seaports like Liverpool, Bristol and London who earned their living at sea - and not always in the boiler rooms.
Yeah,it may be true about black crew members but i'm not sure.

I found a link that states that Mr Joseph Laroche was not the only black man aboard Titanic.
It states Mr Laroche and other Blacks people were treated poorly from W/S/L *something like that*,suggesting to me that Mr Laroche was not the only black person on board.These extra Black people could be crew members,who knows!

Near the end of the page/link.