News Alabama professor’s great-uncle survived the sinking of the Titanic

Jason D. Tiller

Staff member
Julie Hedgepeth Williams remembers how her great uncle, Albert Caldwell, was always smiling.

As a girl, Williams and her family would make the trip from Raleigh, North Carolina to visit Caldwell and the family. Caldwell, who was born in 1885, had been both a missionary and a public school principal for decades before retiring. Williams and his first wife, Sylvia, were also on the Titanic when it sank on April 15, 1912.
I know Julie. I met her at the Pigeon Forge conference back in 2017 where she tells Sylvia Caldwell's story from Sylvia's point of view. Her performance as Sylvia Caldwell is so convincing you would think she is a professional actress.