Alfred Cunningham


I'm trying to track down death notices for Harland and Wolff's nine man Guarantee group.

I'm particularly looking for anything relating to Alfred Cunningham who was one of the young apprentices who lost his life doing his duty on board.
All I can add is this:
Cunningham, Mr. Alfred. Apprentice fitter. Missing.
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number 702. Cunningham, mother. Grant £60.
Named on the Belfast City Hall Memorial, Belfast.

Hope it helps?

Cheers Brian
Regarding the Guarantee group, I'm curious to know if any member of this group were present or seen assisting Andrews during his damage assessment of Titanic after impacting the iceberg. So far my own research into Titanic hasn't yielded any information about the activities of the Guarantee Group other than what we know of Andrews.


(I see this thread is dead but maybe someone will see my question.)
An interesting point. I don't know about books and other movies. But in ANTR and the 1997 movie the only person from the Gurantee Group we see is Andrews. Of course Andrews isn't even included in the 1953 "Titanic." Not sure which details each individual of the Guarantee Group would be involved. Is there any information on the other members of the Guarantee Group ?
Would each person be assigned a specific duty or area of the ship ?
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Well I.don't think they even were assigned to particular tasks.
Guarantee Group was a classical policy in H&W of following the ships they built.
The group was mainly here to assist the crew and train them with new equipment, and to check after possible changes/improvements.
Regarding the Guarantee group, I'm curious to know if any member of this group were present or seen assisting Andrews during his damage assessment of Titanic after impacting the iceberg. So far my own research into Titanic hasn't yielded any information about the activities of the Guarantee Group other than what we know of Andrews.


(I see this thread is dead but maybe someone will see my question.)
There is a you tube video that looks more in to the lifes of the Guarantee group i watched it the other day it had a few of the mens story from Thomas Andrews Group
Hello Linda,

The documentary drama Titanic: Birth Of A Legend was quite helpful for information about the members of the Guarantee Group, perhaps that's the programme you watched?

I'm very interested in the life and career of Mr Thomas Andrews Jr. as well. He worked so hard on his ship and helped a lot of people during the evacuation of Titanic, I would liked to have met him.

Recently I've been looking for more information about Alfred Cunningham, particularly where he was and what he did during Titanic's last hours. Perhaps someone can help.
Born on November 25th, 1890, to Elizabeth (born 1860) and James Cunningham (1854), Alfred "Alfie" Fleming Cunningham is one of the Guarantee gang, an Apprentice Fitter. He was in E-73, amidships near the Engine Room, with Francis "Frank" Parkes, William Campbell, and Ennis Hastings.

According to Encyclopedia Titanica and records, in 1896 his Father James died, while Mrs. Cunningham was still pregnant.

He had 4 siblings: Martha (1897), Thomas (1896) , James (1887), and Lily Margaret Cunningham (1893).

By the 1911 Census, his family had moved to House 96 in Sparmount Street (Dock Ward, Antrim)


Alfred Cunningham

Unfortunately, Mr. Cunningham did not survive, but he was at first reported saved. It was corrected shortly later