Anchor Line merchandise and the use of SS versus TSS


Though my first post in this section of the site was regarding the Lusitania, I am primarily interested in collecting materials from the Anchor Line, as my family has a connection to their ships when they came to the US from Scotland. One thing that has been a continual source of confusion for me, when looking at Anchor Line materials is establishing which ship a particular item came from, especially silver items that are not dated. Anchor Line often gave the same name to several consecutive ships, and did not stamp a date on their items, only EPNS and also sometimes also 'Made in England'. They also used S.S. sometimes, and T.S.S. other times. Does anyone know a clear way to date some of this stuff? A good example is an item presently for sale on eBay:


The seller seems to think it is from the 1907-era California, but I'm not so sure. Is there a way to conclusively date this stuff? Any and all information and suggestions are most welcome.
