Anna Katherine Kelly

I had Sister Patrick Joseph Kelly in 7th grade at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel grade school in Chicago. I have to tell you, she was wonderful, strict, but wonderful. She really cared about us kids and was a good teacher. I know there were kids who didn't like her because she was strict, but, I loved her. She may have been strict, but she was always fair. I graduated from grade school in 1965 and about 2 years later, saw her at one of the school recitals, she hugged me and told me that she remembered me. I told her that I loved her because of her kindness and fairness, she told me that, like all of the students she had taught, she loved me too. I've never forgotten her.
did she ever talk about any siblings she had. sorry if its hard to remember, im just following any leads I can for my family tree project. She might be my great great aunt.
Sister Patrick Joseph Kelly was my great aunt. When I was born, my parents named me after her. I only wish I had gotten to know her. Her sister, my grandmother, was the nicest person you could ever meet.
Suzanne, Annie Kate was on the Titanic traveling to Chicago to be with her cousins (and mine) Anna and Mary Garvey. Another cousin told me about Annie Kate.
I had Sister Patrick Joseph Kelly in 7th grade at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel grade school in Chicago. I have to tell you, she was wonderful, strict, but wonderful. She really cared about us kids and was a good teacher. I know there were kids who didn't like her because she was strict, but, I loved her. She may have been strict, but she was always fair. I graduated from grade school in 1965 and about 2 years later, saw her at one of the school recitals, she hugged me and told me that she remembered me. I told her that I loved her because of her kindness and fairness, she told me that, like all of the students she had taught, she loved me too. I've never forgotten her.
That's lovely to know. I am another of her great nieces. There are rather a lot of us:) Her brother was my grandad.