Anna Nysten and the Anderssons

N Alison

According to interviews with her Anna Nysten said she saw the rest of her traveling party on deck. If they were on deck when she was getting into a lifeboat I wonder why none of the Anderssons or Danboms followed her?
There might be a few explanations. Anna Nysten was rescued on Lifeboat #13, but that lifeboat, like #11 and #15 before and after it respectively, was loaded on 2 levels, first on the boat deck and then lowered to A-deck for more people. It is not known from which deck Anna Nysten got on board, but from the limited information available, I believe it was the boat deck.

If the Danboms and Anderssons were with Nysten on the boat deck, they might have seen #13 lowered (with Anna Nysten in it) and wrongly assumed that they had missed the boat. Language barriers might have added to the problem. They were sending out crew members as 'scouts' to fetch women and children for Lifeboats #13 and #15 and since neither Alfrida Andersson nor Anna Danbom, let alone their husbands, made it to either lifeboat, it is possible that they got caught between decks. There was large crowds around both boats and they were loaded and lowered on both decks very quickly and that could also have contributed. In fact, Lifeboat #15 had far more men in it than women or children when it reached the sea level.
Regarding the language barrier Ernst Danbom was I believe from America and was on an extended trip to Sweden with his wife. He should have spoken English at least. Perhaps the family didn't wish to be separated?
Regarding the language barrier Ernst Danbom was I believe from America and was on an extended trip to Sweden with his wife. He should have spoken English at least. Perhaps the family didn't wish to be separated?
Could be. As I said, by the time it came to lifeboats #13 and #15, things were moving quite rapidly with loading and lowering. There were big crowds around both lifeboats and everyone must have realized that there was not a great deal of time left. Considering that there were a lot of Scandinavian survivors on those two lifeboats - especially Lifeboat #15, things must have been frantic.

As it was the starboard side and there were a lot of male survivors in those two lifeboats, the husbands not being allowed might not have been an issue. But any delays due to hesitancy or being caught between decks might have meant that the Anderssons and Danboms might have missed finding places on time.