Annie Louisa Meek

Annie Meek from Penarth had secured a position as cook in the United States.  She accepted the job, despite the distance, in an effort to support her two young children having been deserted by their father.  Annie Meek obtained a steerage passage to the US on the maiden voyage of the Titanic, and was one of the 1517 passengers and crew who lost their lives when the ship foundered.The Meek children, aged 6 months and 6 years, were left in the care of their grandmother in Windsor Road, Penarth, and there was a great deal of interest in the case locally.  Although there was no fund established in the Cardiff area to support victims of the disaster, the Lord Mayor of Cardiff took it upon himself to obtain support for the orphans from national funds in other parts of the UK such as London, Liverpool and Southampton.  Efforts were also made in Penarth to raise contributions to these funds.
Hi Mandy & Ellis,

I am also distantly related to Annie... and I guess to you! I have an old picture of her with her sister shortly before she boarded the Titanic. If you would like a copy, please contact me on

I have extensively researched the Rowley family (Annie's father) and would be very interested to learn of any other information you can provide about your great great grandmother.

