Any Dec 5 connections to TITANIC

It seems strange this date of 4 Dec. 2003. All the while in the Western Hemisphere it is still only 3 Dec.

You see my B-Day is Fri. 5 Dec., not tomorrow as in the UK...;-)

Any TITANIC connections to December 5, 19?7

Michael A. Cundiff
Hey Michael,

I found some info on my calender..

December 5th

In 1910, A small crane collapsed from gantry overhead Olympic and Titanic, no one was injured.

In 1967, Second-Class Passenger Miss Bertha Lehmann passed away.

In 1882, Third-Class Passenger Mr Bengt Edvin Larsson was born.

In 1930, Assistant Butcher: Mr Christopher Mills passed away.

I hope that is what you were looking for! Wishing you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
