Any One A Queen Mary Fan

Just was wondering if anyone else is a fan of the Queen Mary. I live about half an hour from it in Long Beach. To bad that there aren't any other of the old liners preserved like this one. By the way I hear that there is a new Queen Mary being built. Anybody else hear of this?
I'm a "huge" Queen Mary fan, after spending night onboard her...and in one her staterooms on Deck A/Main Deck, on her starboard side.

While exploring her, I couldn't resist visiting her bridge. I took notice that she has a set of twin helm wheels. I would like to know what (besides steering her) they're both used for?

BTW, spending the night onboard her, was a very fitting prelude to our cruise onboard RC's cute little Monarch of the Seas ship.
Bobette & all, I payed my respects to QM1 on two different occasion. What interested me the most...I stood post in her starboard wing-bridge and peered fore, just as William Murdoch did after receiving, "Iceberg right ahead" from Fleet. Really quite moving. Not to mention one of her massive propellors displayed in the parking lot. Hard to believe Titanic's wing propellors were larger in their diameter.

Michael Cundiff