Aquitania WW1 History

at 12 noon on 29 July, 1915 the 5th batallion of the Norfolk regiment embarked on the SS Aquitania at Liverpool in company with thousands of other troops including the 4th Norfolks. They were bound for Mudros and the Dardenelles. From The Vanished Battalion by Nigel McCrery, pub Simon and schuster Ltd, Great Britain 1992 IBSN o-671-71131-S. This battallion included King George V's own Sandringham company formed from volunteers from the King's royal estate in Norfolk. They 'dissapeared' into the muddle of the Dardenelles campaign. OK why have I posted this - I am becoming interested in what the Aquitania did in both world wars. I do not know if there are any books about her that detail this.
Mark Chirnside, of this board, and a genius, (he said in his best sucking up voice)has just published a new book on the Aquitainia. You will probably find what you are looking for in his book. I already have mine, and recommend it highly.