Are all sunken American vessels from WW2 concidered US property

In the case of American warships that can be explored in the Pacific- does the US maintain a claim on said wrecks, or can any diver or explorer take any souvenier they so choose?

I believe the British regard any of their vessels that went down with victims as war graves (Britannic as well?) Does this mean the Brits still concider their sunken ships British property?
>>does the US maintain a claim on said wrecks, or can any diver or explorer take any souvenier they so choose? <<

Wrecked Navy vessels remain the property of the U.S. Government. For more information, go HERE
Michael, what about recent ships like the carrier USS Oriskany, that were deliberately sunk? If a Navy ship is decommisioned- does that mean the Navy is forfeiting any claim to the ship?

I wonder what the Japanese approach to their wrecks may be-Truk Lagoon is littered with japanese wrecks- Divers have recovered many objects from the wrecks-including bones...Do the Japanese maintain any claim over their WW2 wrecks?
>>does that mean the Navy is forfeiting any claim to the ship?<<

What the Navy did was transfer ownership to the state of Florida.

>>Do the Japanese maintain any claim over their WW2 wrecks?<<

Yes. Japanese warships remain the property and sovereign territory of Japan.
From The Seattle Times:

Big guns on Oregon Coast are still the Navy's

PORTLAND – When beachcombers found two small cannons that likely came from the 1846 wreck of the Navy's USS Shark on the north Oregon coast, the state assumed it had some priceless artifacts. And for now, it does.

But the Navy reminded Oregon that if the cannons were Navy property back then, they're Navy property now – 162 years notwithstanding.
For the rest, see