Auction for a postcard regarding a survivor

I am an auctioneer in England (Warwick and Warwick)and I've been asked to auction a postcard of the Titanic disaster, posted from Kew, in London, on April 19th, 4 days after the disaster. It is addressed to Miss F. Norton of Bedford and is sent by Dora. The message reads "Thought you might like this card, have just been up to the Memorial Service at St. Pauls. Lillie is saved. She cannot get any news of the boys yet. Will write a letter in a day or so. Much love. Dora"
Does anyone know who Lillie was and what relationship she may have had with Dora and Miss Norton. Possibilities are Lillian Asplund, Lillian Bentham, Lillian Renouf, Lillian Goodwin, Lillian Stead, Lillian Cribb. However I have not found any connection to the London or Bedford areas.

[Moderator's notes: 1. This post, originally posted in another topic, has been moved to the one discussing the same subject. 2. The title has been renamed, to better reflect what is being discussed. JDT]
I've tried posting images but the message board limits the size and I cannot scan at less than 75 dpi. Even sending the images separately does not work. Would you like me to email the images to you?