Baggage Wars

Just last night Baggage Wars featured a watch made from the recovered small fractions of Titanic's hull. An English gentleman named Lawrence Martin stated he wanted to bid on the watch cause he had two Uncles that sailed on Titanic. Any truth to this?

Michael Cundiff
This is just me, but why on Earth would a private individual want anything from Titanic? Her wreck is a gravesite, a final resting place for people who died tragically, needlessly and horrifically. What earthly good does having a pellet of coal or a sliver of wood or a bit of iron from her do anyone? I have some small tolerance for the items recovered from the debris field that have been conserved and displayed; at least some of those put a human face on the disaster and also demonstrate how horrible Titanic's end was. But making a watch out of the hull of a ship whose sinking killed over fifteen hundred people? What sort of clueless ghoul does this?
While I'm of the opinion that items in the debris field should be brought up, preserved, and treasured, I, too, was wondering how he got his hands on a piece of the hull and was able to convince someone to make a watch out of it.
I agree on the fact that making a watch or necklace of Titanic coal is distasteful, but as far as preserving the artifacts, thereby making a tangible connetion is the proper thing to do. For those of you on Facebook, it's important that you view P.H. Nargeolets video in regards to salvage available on his FB page.

Michael Cundiff
Addendum - The intention of my post #386 is not on the subject of the watch, merely to see if the "Baggage Wars" participant, Lawrence Martin, is a direct descendant to a Titanic passenger/s?
BTW, I believe the President of RMSTI Arnie Gellar is responsible for the manufacturing of the watch. As you know sections of the "Big Piece" were removed, so as to perform chemical annalysis of the steel.

Michael Cundiff