
Hi everyone at ET - I just introduced myself in the introductions section.

I understand that there were baggage rooms and the hold, but it still seems like there might be challenges to travelling with a double-digit number of trunks. Or even only six or seven. I know not everyone had that much luggage, but wouldn't the Titanic boat train have to have a few baggage cars for all this? If I were Charlotte Cardeza or the Ryersons travelling through Europe, would I have to request that the railways add extra carriages to the trains for all my luggage? When high society people stayed at hotels, were there storage rooms for them to keep it all?
Yes, there were challanges but keep in mind that these people had a lot of help. It was quite common for the well heeled to travel with servents and even if they didn't do the heavy lifting, they saw to it that it was done.

Even if somebody was traveling alone, there were still porters, railhands and dockworkers who were on hand to take care of business.
Would there have been set baggage allocations for the passengers or would there have been set holds for the 1st 2nd and 3rd class passengers?? and since there is only one baggage steward listed ( Mr Edward William Bessant ) and of course lots of cases and items to go on the Titanic would other crew members like the Lift Steward, Barbers or even the Bell Boys have helped load the cases onto the Titanic?? would there have also been others crew who put the Baggage on the Titanic but then didn't sail on the ship?? One last bit as i'm going on a lot now but would the Passenger's servants, Manservants and Chauffeurs have assisted in putting the Baggage onto the ship as in James Cameron's Titanic Lovejoy does
Thanks Guys
Matteo :)
Set baggage allocations for the passengers is well organized and meet the standard.This is a very informative and more knowledgeable post for me.Thanks for such a nice input.
If the movies and what you read in the books are true about how many changes of clothing the ladies made each day (and maybe the gentlemen , too ) , it's no wonder they had so many trunks !
First Class survivor Edith Rosenbaum thought she would be transferred to another ship and the Titanic would be towed to Halifax. She said she gave the steward "19 keys for 19 trunks" and told him to look after her luggage and have it sent to New York as soon as the Titanic docks in Halifax. She said all of this in the First class lounge and she said the other passengers looked at her in "utter disgust" because she was concerned about her luggage, but at the time she did not believe the situation was serious. The ship was damaged but very few believed she was actually going to sink.

Does anyone know why lady's clothing have buttons on them placed on the opposite side from what you find on men's clothing? It all goes back to the idea that it was easier for the help to have the buttons on their right side when dressing their mistresses.
Hi all,

If you were a first class ticket holder, how easily would you be able to obtain items from your trunks in cargo hold during the trip?

A second question, once the confusion started with hitting the iceberg how long would G deck have been available to look around?