Big Pipe in A Deck Promenade

I've got a question...

While watching GotA, I noticed that the large diameter pipe that ran the length of the A Deck Promenade under the Boat Deck had fallen. I've seen this pipe in pictures before and I just realized that I had no idea what its purpose was.

It seems too large for a water supply. Also, I couldn't find anything, in the pictures I have, that looks like a pipe branching off of it.

Does anyone know? Just curious.
I am fairly sure the 4" diameter pipe is a main water supply line that comes from the tank room on the boat deck. I think the hydrant system on A-deck and the boat deck are on separate lines, which would make sense. I wouldn't think the emergency lines would be part of the same feeds as the ship's passenger/crew water supply.
This, and the other large pipes, you may notice, turn inboard about where the tank room on the boat deck would be. The third funnel had a large network of pipes that was part of this overall water network, which circulated up the funnel, down again and fed into the tank room...