Boat Deck Features

I've been studying the Titanic since Jr. High School (1980 - I'm old), and I am just now giving a thorough examination of the deck plans as available from this site. I have a couple questions as to the features on the boat deck, and I am sure I will have some on each successive deck as well.

1) What was the purpose of the Pelorus on either side of the wheel house? I always assumed they had something to due with charting or navigation, but thought I'd finally ask and find out.
2) What was the purpose of the hoist located in the space aft of the #3 funnel?
3) there is a feature which is repeated through the deck plans, but not consistently. On the attached image, the angular hourglass shape appears several times along the railing surrounding the raised roof over the lounge, but the same feature seems to be used to indicate water tight doors elsewhere in the schematics. What does this truly represent?



  • 01-Boat-Deck.jpg
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The pelorus “blind” compass was used to provide relative bearings only. Those angular hourglass shapes indicate windows on the side. The window patter will differ along the ship.
Re: the hoist. There is no corresponding unit on the decks below, where you would expect to see some sort of shaft it it was a dumbwaiter or similar contrivance - beneath the Boat Deck it seems to open vent space below.

As to the image denoting windows, it makes sense but there are no corresponding images around the raised roof over the smoking room where there were also windows on the boat deck, and the same image is used in other places to represent watertight doors and even lift/elevator doors.
I think if you look a little more carefully you will see there is a square space on each deck down to the galley deck that corresponds with the boat deck 'hoist gear'. They are marked with an H.