Books on the Estonia disaster

I've been looking for ages for books on the Estonia disaster. I know of one book 'The Hole; another look on the sinking of the Estonia' but that book is mostly on theories about what made the Estonia sink.
I'm looking for books on the sinking itself, survivor accounts, how people reacted, what happened that night...can anyone help?
You might try searching Amazon or Barnes & Noble, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. While books are written about individual disaters, they aren't written about every individual disaster out there. Even the biggies.

The Dona Paz sinking for example is the record holder for the most lives lost in a peacetime sinking, but I'm not aware of any books out there on the subject.
I know, i already tried amazon & barnes & noble but 'the hole' is the only book about the Estonia.
The disaster is mentioned in other books about ship wrecks but never in depth about the sinking itself...