Bridge Layout Diagram Question

As some know I have been working on deck plans in paint by adding detail (some will remember the Reciprocating Engine room detail I added in another forum post). I have been working on the boat deck now and I need to know if I am correct with the room marked A is the chart room and the room marked B is the pilot room? If there are any other errors feel free to bring them to my attention. Thanks in advance.

Matt. Instead of asking here, why don't you invest in the plans of Bruce Beveridge which gives far greater detail than you will ever be able to show? They cost less than a dinner for two. In any case, you wouldn't have to ask these questions.
Oh I plan on getting those plans too. This just gives me something to do in my spare time. Dont have any more unread Titanic books laying around so started doing this.

Those plans looks good and they appear to be the same ones that is visable on discovery`s website which they are very detailed.