Bridge Layout

I have been quite curious for some time where each room was located on the bridge. I have printed out the deckplans from this sight on a LARGE piece of paper and have been jotting down everything on it that I've seen from other plans, pictures, ect. But something that has been bothering me is where everything was on the bridge (The deckplans here don't say, and everything I find I can't read). Ex: Where exacly were the wireless rooms, chart rooms, and what were all the empty rooms? Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you! All Ahead Full!
Hello Shane,

Welcome to encyclopedia-titanica Message Board.

If you look at the deck plan on this web-site you will see the Marconi room marked in purple. The room on the port-side was the Silent Room and the room on the starboard-side a bedroom. The Chart Room was immediately aft of the Wheel House. - The port half of the area forward of the forward boiler uptake casing. - The starboard side was for the Pilot.

For details as to the unmarked areas/rooms do you have access to: Titanic: Triumph & Tragedy by Eaton & Haas? It contains detailed deck plans.

Ok, I'll take a deep breath and (with reference to the plan here at ET and as best I can do from memory):

To the right of the Captain's sitting room (marked 'Captn') is the navigation room. Above and to right of that is the wheelhouse, and to left of that the chart room and pilot room. To the left of the chart room is the large open space of the funnel casing, with fan trunking etc to left and right of it. Further left, a block of rooms of various sizes which are the officer's washroom, bathroom, toilet and some store rooms. Then a transverse alleyway, then the three rooms which make up the Marconi suite - 'silent room' at top, main wireless room in middle (labelled 'MARCONI'), bedroom at bottom. Finally, just before the stairs, a large room containing the machinery for the lifts.

Further to port (ie up on the plan) moving to the left from the 6th officer's cabin, we have a 1st Class passenger cabin, a toilet, a bathroom, (both for passengers) then two more 1st Class cabins.

At the bottom of the plan, again moving left, first after the Captain's sitting room is his bedroom, then his bathroom, then the 4th Officer's cabin (labelled). Then the officers' smoking room, a pantry, and three more 1st Class cabins.

Hope that makes sense. Fortunately Lester is here to correct any errors!
Thank you everyone for you outstanding answers and warm welcome. I have been a "Historian" of the Titanic for nine years and have always used this database. I thought it was time to get off the sidelines and into the game!