Brief biography from 1932: Capt W H P Jackson

MAB Note: This article is presented not for what it says about Laurentic's 1932 cruise schedule, but for what it says about Capt. Jackson, about whom I've seen very little.

The Montreal Gazette, 6 July 1932

Capt. Jackson Makes Cruises
Captain W. H. P. Jackson, who is at present commander of the White Star
liner Laurentic, will remain in command of that ship when she makes the
three "Little Ocean Voyages" to New York this summer. The first of these
cruises is scheduled for Tuesday, July 19 at dawn from Montreal.

While he is well known in the St. Lawrence service of the White Star Line,
it was only recently that he took over command of the flagship of the Line's
Canadian service fleet. During his short career as master of the Laurentic,
he has become very popular, both with the passengers, his officers and
members of the crew.

In 1890, Captain Jackson, then an apprentice, first went to sea. He sailed
on a "windjammer" bound from Great Britain to India and Australia. It was
not long, however, until his ability was recognized, and he quickly rose to
officers' rank. Joining the White Star Line in 1900, Captain Jackson was
assigned to the S. S. Nordand, [sic] as a fourth officer. In 1917 he was
appointed captain of the "Tropic" at that time carrying stores from the
United States to Great Britain through submarine-infested waters.

After the war Captain Jackson was appointed to the White Star Line's
Australian service, not returning to the Atlantic, until 1929, when he
became commander of the Doric, in the Canadian service. Two years later,
in December, 1931, Captain Jackson joined the Laurentic as master.
