Britannic's Lifeboat Davits

Hi Bert,

According to the original design, the 'big' davits (gantry davits) should be present on both sides.You can see the original configuration at the following link:

When Britannic was requisitioned as a hospital ship,only 5 sets of davits had already been installed and there was simply no time to install the rest.As a temporary solution, the shipbuilders chose to install the smaller Wellin davits (those also present on Titanic) in order to reach the planned lifeboat capacity.That's why you see a single set of gantry davits near the first funnel.


I would like to ask if anyone is aware of resources (plans,H&W documents ecc) regarding the operation of the gantry davits on Britannic.I'm particularly interested in learning more about their "automatic release gear".Any help will be much appreciated.

Best regards,
Plan Davit directed by Cyril codus.

My brother carried out a plan of the Titanic Davit BRITANNIC.

It has also created a color map of Titanic BRITANNIC.

Below are the links:

Kind regards.
I wanted to know how much time it took to launch a lifeboat from the Britannic and how many members of the crew were needed to lower one of them.

Taking this into account would this lifeboat configuration have an impact if it were installed on board the Titanic during her dramatic sinking?
I would consider the terrible loss of life as a drama, however I must admit that the sinking of the Britannic was quite impressive too, specially if taking the victims crushed by the spinning propellers into account.
Hello, I wonder if the machinery were already in place before A deck was closed or not. I might not understand the drawing correctly or how these rooms work.
Thanks for your answers!

source: hull
I'll reformulate my questions on the davits: How were the motor houses tied to them? Were those ties installed while the deck plating was placed or while the motor houses were built? I want to know how it was done because I'm not sure if work had started on the port side and poop deck davits when the ship was rushed in service.
Thanks for your answers, I hope my english isn't that terrible.
Hello Aurelien,

The plan you have posted is showing the Boat Deck, which was open. The motors of the davits on the port side would be located in front of the Officer's Quarters but this set of davits was never completed. Judging from the little amount of work executed on the starboard side of the poop deck between the two requisitions of the ship (June - August 1916), it appears that the builders were starting with the motor houses with the davits being added at a later stage. This set of davits wasn't completed either but the motor house appears to be ready under the docking bridge in all photos taken after the summer of 1916. In theory, the deck plating should have been already reinforced at the points where the davits would be attached.

Michail Michailakis