British Titanic Hearings book

In case anyone is interested, The hardcover book containing the whole,uncut British Titanic Hearings is still available through the British public records office. A MUST have!

I recently aquired a 1912 Journal Of Commerce publication, that seemed to be a selection of highlights of the Brit testimony, but not the whole thing. Was the complete uncut British titanic hearings published in book form in 1912, or was the recent Public Records office release the first time the uncut British titanic hearing has ever been released? My uncut 1912 US Senate Titanic Hearings book is the gem of my book collection..


tarn Stephanos
One can also get it through, but there is a bit of a wait for it as it has to be special ordered. For those who like to have the printed source material at hand (Like me) this on is another "must have." Beware though, it ain't cheap! I recall paying $120.00 for mine.

For those who cannot afford that, you can always read the transcripts on line at the Titanic Inquiry Project which has the testimony and reports from both inquiries.

Michael H. Standart